Літературознавство ПідтримкаЕлектронна книгаДуховна наукамовиМовознавствоЛітературознавствонімціанглійська моваінша німецькаРомантикаКласикаслов’янськаінші мови67 361 Електронні книги в цій категорі Sotirios Paraschas: The Realist Author and Sympathetic Imagination ‘The nineteenth century realist author was a contradictory figure. He was the focus of literary criticism, but obscured his creative role by insisting on presenting his works as ”copies” of reality … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.35 Sam Coombes: Édouard Glissant Édouard Glissant was a leading voice in debates centering on the postcolonial condition and on the present and future of globalisation. Prolific as both a theorist and a literary author, Glissant sta … EPUB Adobe DRM €31.31 Michael Sowder: Whitman”s Ecstatic Union First Published in 2005. Whitman”s Ecstatic Union rereads the first three editions of Leaves of Grass within the context of a nineteenth-century antebellum evangelical culture of conversion. Though … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.44 W. E. Skillend: Kodae Sosol First Published in 2004. This work is concerned with kodae sos?l, particularly with investigating what kodae sos?l exist or have existed in texts in Korean in a traditional style. One aim of this cat … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.56 Cynthia Chase: Romanticism The essays in this volume have all been carefully chosen by Cynthia Chase to exemplify the most important strands in contemporary critical thought on Romantic literature, in particular the best of re … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.26 Larry Peer: Romantic Border Crossings Romantic Border Crossings participates in the important movement towards ”otherness” in Romanticism, by uncovering the intellectual and disciplinary anxieties that surround comparative studies of B … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.40 Peter H. Goodrich: Merlin This book deals with all aspects of the Merlin legend, from its origins to its expression in medieval and modern literature, film, and popular culture. Following an extended introduction and a full b … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.24 C. W. Marshall: Aeschylus: Libation Bearers Libation Bearers is the ”middle” play in the only extant tragic trilogy to survive from antiquity, Aeschylus” Oresteia, first produced in 458 BCE. This introduction to the play will be useful for … EPUB Adobe DRM €26.64 Andrew Samuel Walsh: Lorca in English Lorca in English examines the evolution of translations of Federico García Lorca into English as a case of rewriting and manipulation through politically and ideologically motivated translation. As n … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.24 Marjorie Bowen: Rake’s Progress Part II In The ”Rake’s Progress” Part II Marjorie Bowen continues the dramatic saga of the young rake introduced in the first volume, delving deeper into his complex journey through 18th-century London. Th … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Наступна сторінка >>> 0 0 закінчення роботи 0,00 × × × Змінення мови користувача × АрабськоюНімецькаАнглійськаІспанськаФранцузькийХіндіІндонезійськаІталійськаМалайськаГолландськаПольськаПортугальськаРумунськаросійськийШведськаТайськаТурецькаУкраїнськаВ’єтнамціКитайціInternational Modal ×