Релігія – загальна ПідтримкаЕлектронна книгаНехудожня літератураФілософія / РелігіяБіографії, автобіографіїФілософія – загальнеФілософія – античність до сучасностіРелігія – загальнаХристиянські релігіїІнші світові релігіїІнше77 039 Електронні книги в цій категорі . Fabrizio M. Ferrari: Ernesto De Martino on Religion Ernesto de Martino was a major critical thinker in the study of vernacular religions, producing innovative analyses of key concepts such as ”folklore”, ”magic” and ”ritual”. His methodology ste … EPUB Adobe DRM €49.01 Marsha Aileen Hewitt: Freud on Religion Freud argued that religions originate in the unconscious needs, longings and fantasies of human minds. His work has served to highlight how any analysis of religion must explore mental life, both the … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.84 Tyler Atkinson: Singing at the Winepress Atkinson uses Qoheleth”s work ethic to provide an analysis of Ecclesiastes, utilising the writings of St Bonaventure and Martin Luther. Reading Ecclesiastes within a penitential framework, Bonaventu … EPUB Adobe DRM €39.32 Dr Emma England & William John Lyons: Reception History and Biblical Studies How do we begin to carry out such a vast task-the examination of three millennia of diverse uses and influences of the biblical texts? Where can the interested scholar find information on methods and … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.75 Dr. Mary E. Mills: Joshua to Kings The Old Testament tells the story of a particular nation, ancient Israel, from its origins to its collapse in the face of foreign invaders. But what sort of story is this? How does it fit in with the … EPUB Adobe DRM €30.10 Haroro J. Ingram: The Charismatic Leadership Phenomenon in Radical and Militant Islamism Haroro J. Ingram journeys through over a century of history, from the Islamist modernists of the late-1800s into the 21st century, in the first full length examination of the charismatic leadership p … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.55 Megan Shore: Religion and Conflict Resolution This book examines the ambiguous role that Christianity played in South Africa”s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). It has two objectives: to analyse the role Christianity played in the TRC … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.55 Guy Redden: Mediating Faiths Religion is living culture. It continues to play a role in shaping political ideologies, institutional practices, communities of interest, ways of life and social identities. Mediating Faiths brings … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.54 Ramona Fotiade & David Jasper: Embodiment This book examines a number of landmark shifts in our account of the relationship between human and divine existence, as reflected through the perception of time and corporeal experience. Drawing tog … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.70 Revd Dr Alcuin Reid: Liturgy in the Twenty-First Century ”Because the Sacred Liturgy is truly the font from which all the Church”s power flows…we must do everything we can to put the Sacred Liturgy back at the very heart of the relationship between God … EPUB Adobe DRM €27.64 Наступна сторінка >>> 0 0 закінчення роботи 0,00 × × × Змінення мови користувача × АрабськоюНімецькаАнглійськаІспанськаФранцузькийХіндіІндонезійськаІталійськаМалайськаГолландськаПольськаПортугальськаРумунськаросійськийШведськаТайськаТурецькаУкраїнськаВ’єтнамціКитайціInternational Modal ×