Географія ПідтримкаЕлектронна книгаНаукаЗемлезнавствоЗагальні словникиГеографіяМістобудування, просторове плануванняГеологіяПалеонтологіяМінералогія, петрографіяІнше8 209 Електронні книги в цій категорі Anne Buttimer & David (Kansas State University, USA) Seamon: The Human Experience of Space and Place Humanistic geography is one of the major emerging themes which has recently dominated geographic writing. Anne Buttimer has been one of the leading figures in the rise of humanistic geography, and th … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.05 William C. Walton: Groundwater Pumping Tests This practical book ”Groundwarer Pumping Tests”, details concepts, techniques, field work, case studies, and microcomputer models-information designed to improve accuracy and reliability. The reade … EPUB Adobe DRM €322.49 Richard Peet & Nigel Thrift: New Models in Geography – Vol 2 Two decades after the publication of the seminal Models in Geography, edited by Richard Chorley & Peter Haggett, this major collection of specially commissioned essays charts the new human geography … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.49 Paul (University of Exeter, UK) Cloke: Key Settlements in Rural Areas (Routledge Revivals) The problems of providing essential services in a constrained economic climate, and of conserving the rural environment whilst protecting rural people, are of immediate importance. This book, first p … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.26 Sarah Harper: AGEING SOCIETIES Demographic ageing is a reality – within 25 years half the population of Western Europe will be over 50, one quarter over 65, and the Less Developed Countries will contain one billion elderly people. … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.77 Alastair Couper: The Geography of Sea Transport This book, originally published in 1972, discusses the impact of technological change in sea transport on trade links, shipping routes and economic activities. A brief historical perspective illustra … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.54 Christian Castellanet & Carl F. Jordan: Participatory Action Research in Natural Resource Management This work evaluates the merits of a widely-used approach to natural resource management, participatory action research (PAR), an approach to resource management that strives to link researchers with … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.52 Steven Flusty: De-Coca-Colonization A novel theoretical account of globalization, De-Coca-Colonization argues that we must move away from top-down visions of the processes at work and concentrate on how ordinary people who are locked o … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.54 Richard E. Stren: African Cities In Crisis This book presents the results of the ‘African Urban Management’ project designed to study comparatively governmental responses to the gap between the realities of official plans and perspectives and … EPUB Adobe DRM €49.01 Ibrahim S. R. Msabaha: Confrontation And Liberation In Southern Africa The 1984 ‘Nkomati Accord’—a bilateral security agreement between South Africa and Mozambique to eliminate guerrilla threats on both sides of a common border—was a milestone in regional confrontation … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.97 Наступна сторінка >>> 0 0 закінчення роботи 0,00 × × × Змінення мови користувача × АрабськоюНімецькаАнглійськаІспанськаФранцузькийХіндіІндонезійськаІталійськаМалайськаГолландськаПольськаПортугальськаРумунськаросійськийШведськаТайськаТурецькаУкраїнськаВ’єтнамціКитайціInternational Modal ×