Give up smoking and vaping for good
Most people know that smoking is bad for their health and believe vaping is a better alternative. Now, vaping has become a national epidemic and shows no sign of slowing. Quitting Smoking & Vaping For Dummies delivers facts about the differences between smoking and vaping, the effects on their short-term and long-term health, and how addiction works. Whether you’re a smoker or a vaper, or have a loved one that needs to break the habit, this trusted guidebook walks you through building a personal quitting plan. Offering information on new and effective medication treatments, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), and building resilience, it sets you or a family member on the path to recovery. This book breaks down the psychology of your addiction so you can identify the methods that are most useful and effective for becoming smoke free for good. Start your recovery today, and look forward to a long and healthy life.
* Determine your quit day
* Change thought patterns
* Explain the dangers of vaping to children/teens
* Avoid or move past relapses
* Recognize the risks
* Deal with triggers
* Help a loved one quit
Introduction 1
Part 1: Lifting the Fog on Smoking and Vaping 5
Chapter 1: A Matter of Life 7
Chapter 2: Talking about Tobacco 17
Chapter 3: Taking Tobacco’s Health Costs into Account 35
Chapter 4: Looking at the Impact of Smoking on Families and Communities 51
Part 2: Clearing the Air about Vaping and E-Cigarettes 57
Chapter 5: Grasping the Basics of Vaping 59
Chapter 6: Recognizing the Risks of Vaping 73
Chapter 7: What Parents Need to Know about Vaping 87
Part 3: Surveying Quitting Strategies 103
Chapter 8: Overcoming Obstacles to Quitting 105
Chapter 9: Finding Help at the Pharmacy 119
Chapter 10: Changing Thoughts and Actions 135
Chapter 11: Tapping Technical Supports 161
Chapter 12: Reducing Harm from Cigarette Smoking 171
Chapter 13: Searching for Help in All the Wrong Places 183
Part 4: Personalizing Your Quit Plan 197
Chapter 14: Assessing Your Readiness and Motivation to Quit 199
Chapter 15: Preparing Your Plan 211
Chapter 16: Celebrating Your Quit Day 225
Chapter 17: Getting through the Risky First Month 233
Chapter 18: Staying the Course for the Next Five Months and Beyond 247
Chapter 19: Recovering from Lapses and Relapses 261
Part 5: Living after Smoking 273
Chapter 20: Dealing with Weight Gain 275
Chapter 21: Strengthening Resilience 289
Chapter 22: Developing Self-Compassion 303
Part 6: The Part of Tens 315
Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Help Someone You Care about Quit 317
Chapter 24: Ten (Or So) Reliable Resources for More Information 323
Chapter 25: Ten Messages for Teens and Young Adults Who Vape 327
Index 333
Про автора
Charles H. Elliott, Ph D and Laura L. Smith, Ph D are clinical psychologists with years of experience treating people with emotional problems, including addictions. They are authors of a variety of For Dummies books including Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies and Borderline Personality Disorder For Dummies.