The book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Sustainability and Applied Sciences (ICISAS 2023), which took place in Dubai, UAE, on 09-11 December 2023. The conference is a unique opportunity to learn from leading researchers and professionals on how to collectively shape the future through innovation, sustainability, and scientific vigor. Topics include but are not limited to sustainable materials and manufacturing, renewable energy, cyber incident and security, information security risk management, and sustainable finance and investments, to name a few. The conference is meant to attract experts from diverse industries, including senior government leaders, policymakers, eminent scientists, academicians, researchers, technocrats, and students from various parts of the world. This multi-professional conference is dedicated to all applied specialized and interdisciplinary fields.
Part I. Sustainable Development. .- Chapter 1. DESIGN OF AN ANAEROBIC BIOFILTER USING BIOCHAR FROM AGRICULTURAL WASTE AND ITS APPLICATION FOR SAFE WATER DISCHARGE FROM FOOD INDUSTRIES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES.- Chapter 2. Fabrication of silver coated iron oxide nanoparticle infused hydrogel for waste water treatment.- Chapter 3. Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Natural Fibers: Distinctly Different Extraction Methods and Morphological Properties .- Chapter 4. Revolutionizing Date Palm Harvesting: A Novel Automated Tree Climber Robot for Agricultural Efficiency.- Chapter 5. Identifying Human Factor Challenges in an Aircraft Component Maintenance Organization.- Chapter 6. Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Shredded Plastic Wastes.- Chapter 7. Nurturing Fenugreek Microgreens with Fruit Peel Probiotics: A Nutritional Breakthrough.- Chapter 8. Study of Transitional Flow through Pipe with an Orifice.- Chapter 9. Energy and cost-saving Potential of radiant cooling system for a City in Pakistan.- Chapter 10. Estimation of Performance Parameters of a Rotary Humidifier.- Chapter 11. Investigation of Heat Exchanger Effectiveness Using Solar Water Heater.- Chapter 12. Comparative Investigation of a Conventional and a Floating Photovoltaic System.- Part II. Manufacturing Techniques. .- Chapter 13. Tropical review on machining and machinability of nickel – titanium alloy using different source of energy.- Chapter 14. Statistical Analysis of Mechanical Properties of FDM 3D Printed PLA-Based Composites.- Chapter 15. The Effects of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al Si14 Alloy Produced by Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Technique.- Chapter 16. Comparative Analysis of phytochemical evaluation of seed and leaf of Moringa oleifera nanoparticles .- Chapter 17. Performance evaluation of cellulose acetate embedded with graphene oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles membrane.- Chapter 18. GREEN SYNTHESIS OF COPPER NANOPARTICLES USING ANANAS COMOSUS.- Chapter 19. Investigation of textured tools in the cutting of distinct materials.- Part III. General Management, Finance, and Education. .- Chapter 20. The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Purchase Intention; The review of Parasocial Relationship and Xenocentrism.- Chapter 21. Advancing Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Data: Unveiling Public Perception of Environmental Challenges in Malaysia .- Chapter 22. Management players, diversity, and performance in Omani non-financial companies: A study .- Chapter 23. How does happiness shape academic success? Unveiling the role of academic self-efficacy and buoyancy in the journey to student achievement.- Chapter 24. The Impact of Career Guidance for Career Readiness with Secondary Students in the United Arab Emirates.- Chapter 25. Systematic Review of the Use of Machine Learning in Higher Education.- Chapter 26. A Review Analysis on Monitoring and Assessment for Effective Climate Risk Management.- Chapter 27. Fostering Sustainability Education and Awareness: A Framework for Empowering Communities.- Chapter 28. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY EVALUATION OF PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) PROJECTS USING REAL OPTION ANALYSIS- A CASE STUDY.- Chapter 29. Navigating the Green Finance Landscape: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Exploration of Current Trends, Evolution, and Prospects.- Chapter 30. Appreciating Successful Growth Strategies: A Case of Omani Islamic Bank Using the Balanced Scorecard Approach.- Chapter 31. Sustainability and associated concepts applied to Life cycle assessment studies.- Chapter 32. Tourists’ Satisfaction and the Efforts Made by Accommodation Units to Ensure a Sustainable Journey: Evidence from Sinaia, Romania.- Chapter 33. Student engagement, motivation, and perceptions of gamified learning – A Pilot Study.- Chapter 34. Antecedents of Quality Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)- A Leximancer Analysis.- Chapter 35. 35. Performance Evaluation of Mutual Funds of Banking and Non-Banking Financial Companies in India.- Chapter 36. Sustainability Analysis of the Weekly Pattern in the KSE-100 Index of Pakistan Stock Exchange: Employing Arch/GARCH Models with Contemporary Data.- Chapter 37. Exploring the Public-private partnerships, Environmental Kuznet’s curve, and Environmental Degradation nexus: An Empirical Analysis of Asia.- Chapter 38. Dynamics of Future and Options (F &O) Traders Experience and Perception.- Chapter 39. A Proposed Implementation for Evidence Management Using Blockchain Technology.- Chapter 40. Online and Hybrid Education Scientific Mapping Analysis.- Chapter 41. Secure and Trustworthy Healthcare for the Elderly with Blockchain-Enabled Pervasive Systems.- Chapter 42. A multimodal stress detection system with wearable sensors using machine learning and deep learning approaches .- Chapter 43. Influence of Socio Demographics in Online Purchases at Bengaluru City in India.- Chapter 44. Integration of Membrane Technology for Water Desalination Systems using Renewable Energy Resources.- Chapter 45. EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORKPLACE SPIRITUALITY AND SOCIAL CAPITAL WITH REFERENCE TO DELHI NCR SCHOOL TEACHERS.- Part IV– Information Technology and Computing . .- Chapter 46. BIMANIC: AI-Driven Personalized Education Guidance for Higher Education in Oman.- Chapter 47. Conceptual Development of a Mobile Application for Digital Storytelling and Awareness in Project Areas Aided by CHRIST, Delhi NCR.- Chapter 48. Assessment of impact of IOT susceptibility on children of working and non-working mothers in UAE .- Chapter 49. Security Assurance of the Io T Environment by Applying Machine Learning: A Survey.- Chapter 50. Innovative Smartphone App Fostering Transgender Inclusion in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.- Chapter 51. Applications of Robotics: An Advanced Approaches in Forensic Investigations.- Chapter 52. Intellectual safety and Intellectual provocation in the classroom- A conceptual model to foster deep learning among students of higher education .- Chapter 53. Role of AI and Digitization in People Management Function for Business Excellence: A Voyant Tool Analysis and Agenda for Future Research.- Chapter 54. Exploratory Study of Barriers to Smart Home Technologies: Affordance Approach .- Chapter 55. Tri Safe Guard: A Unified Framework for Mask Detection, Social Distancing, and Contactless Temperature Monitoring.- Chapter 56. Industrial Internet of Things (IIo T) based Offloading Control Scheme for Reducing Mechanical Failures of CNC Motors.- Chapter 57. Design of Mobile application controlled Photovoltaic Seed Sowing and Drilling Machine.- Chapter 58. Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture: A Framework for Enhanced Compatibility and Security in the Digital Age.- Chapter 59. Walk-Through Attendance Marking System Using RFID And Face Recognition.- Chapter 60. Development of an Artificial Neural Network model for performance analysis, modelling and evaluation of membranes in Reverse Osmosis Desalination plants.- Chapter 61. Performance Evaluation of Artificial Neural Network Algorithms: A Case of Classification Problem.- Chapter 62. Early Detection of Liver Diseases using Machine Learning.- Part V- Psychology and Humanities.- Chapter 63. Unravelling the Psychological Benefits of Meditation and Associated Positive Practices: A Thematic Analysis of Semi-Structured Interviews of Meditation Trainers and Advanced Meditation Practitioners from 11 Different Meditation Practices in India.- Chapter 64. Superstitious Beliefs: Demographic Correlates and its Re-lation with Self Efficacy.- Chapter 65. Good Vibrations: A Literature Review on Utilizing Virtual Reality to Promote Positive Emotions.- Chapter 66. The Potential of Technology to Promote Happiness: A Conceptual Model of Indian Psychology Based Happiness Mobile App.- Chapter 67. Tattoos and Personal Identity: A Thematic Exploration Among Young Adults.- Chapter 68. When Mere Awareness May Not Lead to Sustainable Climate Change Action: Exploring Psychological Barriers in Pro-environmental Behaviours.- Chapter 69. Beyond Disciplines: Applying Design Thinking Across Areas to Enhance Mental Health Dementia Care as an Exemplar.- Chapter 70. Understanding the Correlation between Happiness and Creativity.- Chapter 71. Impact of Cultural Diversity on Psychological Well-being and Subjective Happiness in an Indian context.- Chapter 72. Menstruation Effect on Well-being: Exploring the Mediating Role of Physical Pain and Psychological Anguish.- Chapter 73. What influences the Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Energy-Efficient Home Appliances in United Arab Emirates?.- Chapter 74. Ageism, Culture and Willingness to Work with Older Adults among Youth in India.- Chapter 75. Addressing Job Burnout in Culturally Diverse Workforces.- Chapter 76. Employee Engagement in Post-COVID Remote Working Arrangements: Is Family Support as Critical as Supervisory Support?.- Chapter 77. Perceptivity towards Employee Engagement: An exploratory study among the employees in Manufacturing Sector in Bangalore.- Chapter 78. Impact of Employee Engagement on Organisational Performance: A study among Selected Companies in Service Sector in Karnataka.- Chapter 79. Emotional Intelligence And Aggression – A Cross Generational Study.- Chapter 80. Wellbeing and Work-Life Balance of College Teachers in Tamilnadu.- Part VI– Optimization Techniques .- Chapter 81. Lower Bound on Givens Rotation Matrices Decomposi-tion of Quantum Fourier Transform.- Chapter 82. Predictive Political Decision-making using Deep Learning Architectures for Multimodal Analysis .- Chapter 83. Significance of Fairly Distributed Instances and Optimal Ratio for Validation Set in Machine Learning.- Chapter 84. Enhancing Face Recognition Using Hyperparameter Tuning: A Metaheuristic Approach.- Chapter 85. Enhanced Heart Disease Prediction Accuracy through Combined Hybrid Machine Learning Model.- Chapter 86. Smart Control for Low Energy Harvesting Systems.- Chapter 87. Design and performance analysis of Maximum Power Extraction Charge Controller (MPECC) for solar photovoltaic system .- Chapter 88. A proposed framework for exploring the relationship between workplace spirituality and innovative work behaviour.- Chapter 89. Optimization of curing time for the fabrication of raw edged cogged belt with enhanced breaking strength.- Chapter 90. Some Results on Anti-Duplication Self-Vèrtèx Switchings.- Chapter 91. OPTIMIZATION OF SOLAR ENERGY HARVESTING THROUGH INNOVATIVE SCIENTIFIC ADVANCEMENTS.- Chapter 92. Examining the drivers of intentions to use mobile payment applications in an emerging economy: A SEM-NCA Approach.- Chapter 93. UTILIZING MACHINE LEARNING FOR PREDICTING ROAD ACCIDENT FREQUENCIES IN HARYANA, INDIA: A PREDICTIVE MODELING APPROACH.- Chapter 94. Augmented Reality and its Application – A Critical Review.- Chapter 95. 3-D Design Making of Eco-Friendly Toys.- Part VII– Sustainable Materials. .- Chapter 96. Simulation Study on Titanium Addition to Cu-Al-Ni Shape Memory Alloy in Rotary Joint Property of Redundant Articulated Robot .- Chapter 97. Evaluation of Mechanical properties of Welds Fabricated at A Close Proximity on Offshore structures .- Chapter 98. Experimental Investigation on Ductility Property of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Chopped Strand Mat Laminate.- Chapter 99. Effect of Stirrer Design on Particle Distribution of Aluminium Composite in Stir Casting Process using CFD Simulation.- Chapter 100. Investigation on Mechanical and Tribological Performance of Biodegradable Polylactic acid (PLA)-Hemp composite.- Chapter 101. Utilization Of Face Masks In Concrete For Improved Strength Performance: Strategy Towards Green Construction.- Chapter 102. Green Wall construction for Commercial Buildings in Composite Climate: State of the art review.- Chapter 103. Investigation on Mechanical Properties of E glass/Jute/Nanofiller Composite Material .- Part VIII– General Engineering . .- Chapter 104. Model Predictive Control Approach for Frequency Regulation of a Modern Microgrid Including Electric Vehicles.- Chapter 105. Auto Rickshaw Detection for Autonomous Navigation in real-time ETW setup.- Chapter 106. Estimation of Bone Degeneration and Porosity Using T-Score from DXA Images for Osteoporotic Patient Classification and Therapy Ideation.- Chapter 107. Visualizing and Exploring Navigation Data using Machine Learning Techniques.- Chapter 108. Performance Analysis of Junctionless Silicon Nanotube Tunnel FET.- Chapter 109. The Role of Robotics in STEM Education: Recent Developments, Challenges and Future Opportunities.- Chapter 110. Influence of Computer-Based Assessment on Students’ Motivation towards Science Learning: A Quantitative of Sindh Pakistan .- Chapter 111. Dimensional Analysis of High Strength Lightweight Concrete.- Chapter 112. Machining parameters optimization on Material Removal Rate in WEDM of SLD 8 Tool steel using DOE and RSM technique.- Chapter 113. Experimental Investigation of Novel Soil Stabilized Blocks Using Lime and Cement.- Chapter 114. Experimental Investigation on Strength, Porosity and Permeability Properties of Ambient Cured Metakaolin based Geopolymer Concrete.- Chapter 115. Effect of Bacillus subtilis on Strength, Durability and Microstructural Studies of Self-healing Concrete.- Chapter 116. IRIS CONTROLLED WHEELCHAIR.- Chapter 117. NUMERICAL STUDIES OF SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM WITH CPC SOLAR COLLECTOR AND THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE.- Chapter 118. Concepts & Indicators of Social Sustainability in the Built Environment- A Review.- Chapter 119. Leveraging Textual Web Content for Phishing Website Detection with Weighted Average Word Embedding and Machine Learning.- Chapter 120. Performance Assessment between Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interference System (ANFIS) and Fuzzy Logic Membership Functions to Reduce the Diesel consumption for Electrical Load of Train in a Hybrid Power Generation System .- Chapter 121. Implementation Of An Image Defogging Algorithm Using Wavelet Transform⋆.- Chapter 122. Arduino-based emergency route clearing between vehicles.- Chapter 123. Biogas Synthesis using Human Urine as Feedstock by Anaerobic Digestion.- Chapter 124. Experimental approach for water distribution network to compensate the unequal discharge using Dual Pumping System.- Chapter 125. A Proficient Sensor Network Based Smart Meter Multi-Demand Response System Using Io T.- Chapter 126. Revolutionizing Waste Management: AI-Driven Smart Dustbins for Environmental Pollution Mitigation.- Chapter 127. Execution of Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Protocols with FF-AOMDV in MANET.- Chapter 128. Bubble Deck Concrete Slab: A Sustainable Thermal Insulation concrete.
Про автора
Dr. Chithirai Pon Selvan has extensive experience in teaching engineering students, spanning over twenty-five years in academia. He has published/presented more than 150 research articles in journals and conferences. He has been invited and honoured as keynote speaker, session chair, resource person, and technical committee member of various conferences held in UAE, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Germany, Italy, Australia, and the UK. His research interests are in the areas of machine design, optimization techniques, manufacturing practices, renewable energy, and engineering sustainable development. He is a well-known researcher in the field of Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Technology and has evaluated several Ph D theses in Mechanical Engineering from various universities. He is the approved supervisor of many universities including Curtin University, Australia to guide Ph D scholars and has produced many Ph Ds. He holds membership in several professional societies, such as SAE, IEEE, ASHRAE, IMech E, ASME, EI, ASQ, and ISTE. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), UK. Prior to joining Curtin University Dubai in July 2018, he served for a decade in the UAE with Manipal University Dubai and Amity University Dubai.
Dr. Nidhi Sehgal is the Head of School-Business and Humanities at Curtin University Dubai. With over a decade of experience spanning industry and prestigious government and private universities, she has made substantial contributions to both academic and professional realms. She holds a Ph D in Business Administration, MBA in Human Resource Management, an M.Phil in Management, and an Advanced Diploma in Business Administration. As a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK, she is deeply committed to promoting excellence in teaching and continually refining her pedagogical approach. Her research interests are expansive and interdisciplinary, encompassing significant areas such as human resource management, the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in business, and teaching and learning. Her work has been presented at international academic conferences and published in reputed scholarly journals.
Dr. Sonakshi Ruhela holds a Harvard Certification in Higher Education with a Ph D in Psychology, recognized by the Ministry of Education, UAE. She is an accomplished Educationalist with over 12 years of extensive experience in Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching, training, mentorship, and research of students from different nationalities and ethnic backgrounds. She is also a Co-guide for Doctoral Research Scholars in the field of psychology and mental health. She is currently designated as a Program Head for Psychology and Health Sciences at Curtin University Dubai. She is the Former Associate Registrar and Assistant Professor of Psychology at Amity University, Dubai. She was pioneer in forming the Department of Psychology at Amity University Dubai in 2016. Previously, she has worked as an Assistant Professor of Psychology with the Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences, Amity University Noida, India for 6 years. She has a rich Research profile with interdisciplinary Scopus index publications and Research Projects applied at ICSSR & All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), India and Al-Jalila Foundation, UAE. She is a professional member of the American Psychological Association, Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists and Middle East Psychological Association. She has participated in over 200 national and international events, seminars, talk shows, radio shows, conferences, industrial trainings, community engagement initiatives hosted by various schools, hospitals/clinics, government bodies, corporates in India, UK, and UAE.
Dr. Noor Ulain Rizvi holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi). Her expertise and contributions to the field of finance are widely recognized, as evidenced by her extensive research portfolio and participation in renowned conferences like the annual meetings of the Asian Finance Association. With an impressive educational background, Dr. Noor holds degrees in Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Education, and Master of Commerce from the esteemed University of Delhi in India. Her academic excellence and commitment to knowledge have been acknowledged through her selection as a senior research fellow awarded by the University Grants Commission (NET-JRF). In this role, she had the privilege of working closely with renowned finance and banking professors as a teaching assistant, further enhancing her expertise in the field. Dr. Noor’s influential contributions extend beyond academia. She is a member of professional organizations such as the American Finance Association, Rotaract Society, and Asian Finance Association, further highlighting her commitment to advancing the finance discipline and fostering professional connections. Dr. Noor’s academic career includes faculty positions at esteemed institutions such as Manipal University Dubai and the University of Delhi. Additionally, she has been actively involved in organizing significant events such as the India Economic Summit 2017, hosted by IIT Delhi under the auspices of the World Economic Forum. Dr. Noor’s role as a founding Director of the Rotaract club at the Delhi School of Economics further exemplifies her commitment to leadership and community engagement.