Do your habits have a tight grip on you… or are you failing to achieve your goals from success or an overflowing inbox? Do you feel stagnant, stuck in a rut, and ready for a change?
Are you terrified of suddenly ending up old with too many regrets and too little fulfillment? If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll never break your habit or achieve your goals.
Is this positive for you?
This 3 Books for the Price of 2 Book Bundle teaches you every step, including a 41-point action plan you’ve been too scared to reach for. This book bundle is a bundle for action and doesn’t just tell you to try harder. Life rewards those who take matters into their own hands, and this bundle is where to start.
Habit Ignition is full of real-life examples, proven techniques that have worked for thousands of people just like you. These methods are backed up by countless research studies, all of which will arm you with a mindset primed for success and powerful, concrete habit-busting techniques.
Easy-to-implement small changes and practical takeaways for immediate action.
What happens if you ignore your habits?
• Learn what habits are?
• Why should you care about your habits
• What habits you ought to shoot for
• The consequences of ignoring habits
How will you learn to create clear goals?
• Figure out who you are and what you want
• Find goals that are right for you
• Establish a plan that you will stick to
• Create a daily action plan and keep it
How will you learn to get inbox control?
• How to get started?
• Find out what’s holding you back
• Learn how to make small changes work for you
• Set daily quotas for work
Find out how to let go of your fears and take flight towards success, period.
Create the life and success you want.
Try Power Lists™ Book Bundle today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top right of this page!
P.S. You’ll be able to notice a difference within 24 hours.