‘Safety-Critical Systems: Problems, Process and Practice’ contains the papers presented at the seventeenth annual Safety-critical Systems Symposium, held at Brighton, UK, in February 2009.
The Symposium is for engineers, managers and academics in the field of system safety, across all industry sectors, so the papers making up this volume offer a wide-ranging coverage of current safety topics, and a blend of academic research and industrial experience. They include both recent developments in the field and discussion of open issues that will shape future progress.
The first paper reflects a tutorial – on Hazard Analysis – held on the first day of the Symposium. The subsequent 14 papers are presented under the headings of the Symposium’s sessions: the Economics of Safety, Transport Safety, Safety in Society, New Challenges, Safety Assessment and Safety Standards.
The book will be of interest to both academics and practitioners working in the safety-critical systems arena.
Tutorial Paper.- The Need for New Paradigms in Safety Engineering.- The Economics of Safety.- Risk Management: the Economics and Mor ality of Safety Revisited.- The Morality and Economics of Safety in Defence Procurement.- Safety Expenditur e: wher e should we draw the Line?.- Transport Safety.- Hazard Management with DOORS: Rail Infrastructure Projects.- Dependable Risk Analysis for Systems with E/E/PE Components: Two Case Studies.- Safety in Society.- Accidents – Policy and Punishment Are there boundar ies to the effectiveness of cr iminal sanctions in preventing accidental conduct?.- Professional Issues in System Safety Engineering.- New Challenges.- Certification of FPGAs – Current Issues and Possible Solutions.- What is Clinical Safety in Electronic Health Care Record Systems?.- Safety Assessment.- Back to Basics: Risk Matr ices and ALARP.- Safety Case Development as an Information Modelling Problem.- Safety Process Measur ement – Are we ther e yet?.- Safety Standards.- Software Testing and IEC 61508 – Project Case Study and Further Thoughts.- Defence Standard 00-56 Issue 4: Towards Evidence-Based Safety Standards.