Charles Goodyear is a Research Analyst at McChrystal Group, responsible for developing theory and case studies for the firm”s product offerings. He has also co-authored a book with Chris Fussell, one of the firm”s Managing Partners and ex-Navy SEAL.
5 Електронні книги від Chris Fussell
Tantum Collins & Chris Fussell: Team of Teams
What if you could combine the agility, adaptability, and cohesion of a small team with the power and resources of a giant organization? ‘Team of Teams provides a blueprint for how to cope with increa …
Stanley McChrystal & Tantum Collins: Team of Teams
Wie adaptive Strukturen Organisationen dabei helfen, sich den Gegebenheiten ihres Umfelds anzupassen General Stanley Allen Mc Chrystal, langjähriger Kommandeur des Joint Special Operations Command un …
General Stanley McChrystal & Chris Fussell: Time de Times
‘A eficiência continua a ser importante, mas a capacidade de adaptar-se à complexidade e à mudança tornou-se um imperativo’. Em um momento de crises sem precedentes, as ações devem ser rapidamente …