Dr. Stefan Lorenzmeier, LL.M. in EC Law (Leiden), is a senior researcher at the University of Augsburg, Germany. His research and teaching focus on EU law, public international law, EU external relations law and water law. He provides consultancy to parliaments and media. He is the author and co-editor of Europarecht, 5th ed., 2016; Völkerrecht, 3rd ed., 2016; Europarecht in Fällen, 7th ed., 2020; Recht und Realität, 2017; Contemporary Issues of Human Rights Protection, 2018; and Zeit und internationales Recht, 2019.
Prof. Dr. Roman Petrov is Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law and Head of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in EU Studies at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine. He has conducted research as Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy) and has been awarded visiting fellowships at the University of Heidelberg (Germany), University of Oxford (UK), Ghent University (Belgium), Augsburg University (Germany) and Uppsala University (Sweden). His research focuses on EU law, EU external relations law, approximation and harmonisation of legislation in the EU and legal aspects of regional integration in the post-Soviet area. He provides consultancy to the Parliament, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. Prof. Dr. Roman Petrov is co-editor of R. Petrov, P. Van Elsuwege (ed.), Post-Soviet Constitutions and Challenges of Regional Integration: Adapting to European and Eurasian Integration Projects, 2017, and R. Petrov, P. Van Elsuwege (ed.), Legislative Approximation and Application of EU Law in the Eastern Neighbourhood of the European Union: Towards a Common Regulatory Space?, 2014, and author of R. Petrov, Exporting the acquis communautaire through EU External Agreements, 2011.
Prof. em. Dr. jur. Christoph Vedder is former chair for constitutional law, public international law and European law as well as sports law at the University of Augsburg, Germany. He is also former dean of the Law School and member of the University Board. He taught at various universities in Germany and abroad, such as Southwestern Law School, Los Angeles, USA; Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany; Foreign Trade University in Hanoi, Vietnam; and University of Stavanger, Norway. His research and writing centres on EU Law in general – with a special emphasis on EU foreign relations, relationship between German law and Union law, constitutional requirements for EU membership, intra-federation relations, international dispute settlement and arbitration, and international sports law. He is co-editor of Vedder/Heintschel von Heinegg (ed.), Europäisches Unionsrecht: EUV, AEUV, GRCh, EAGV, Kommentar, 2nd ed., 2018; Arnesen/Fredriksen/Graver/Mestad/Vedder (ed.), Agreement on the European Economic Area: A Commentary, 2018; and Hummer/Vedder/Lorenzmeier (ed.), Europarecht in Fällen, 7th ed., 2020.
4 Електронні книги від Christoph Vedder
Stefan Lorenzmeier & Roman Petrov: EU External Relations Law
The book covers contributions from 18 authors from different countries and analyses the recent case law of the ECJ on the external competences of the European Union. It deals with the impact of EU va …
Stefan Lorenzmeier & Roman Petrov: Recht der EU-Außenbeziehungen
Das Buch enthält Beiträge von 18 Autoren aus verschiedenen Ländern und analysiert die jüngste Rechtsprechung des Eu GH zu den Außenkompetenzen der Europäischen Union. Es befasst sich mit den Auswirku …
Waldemar Hummer & Christoph Vedder: Europarecht in Fällen
Der aktuelle Entwicklungsstand des Europarechts erschließt sich nicht allein aus den Vorschriften der Verträge, sondern erst aus der Rechtsprechung, die grundlegende Rechtsinstitute und Prinzipien he …