This book focuses on the different representations and cryptographic properties of Booleans functions, presents constructions of Boolean functions with some good cryptographic properties. More specifically, Walsh spectrum description of the traditional cryptographic properties of Boolean functions, including linear structure, propagation criterion, nonlinearity, and correlation immunity are presented. Constructions of symmetric Boolean functions and of Boolean permutations with good cryptographic properties are specifically studied. This book is not meant to be comprehensive, but with its own focus on some original research of the authors in the past. To be self content, some basic concepts and properties are introduced. This book can serve as a reference for cryptographic algorithm designers, particularly the designers of stream ciphers and of block ciphers, and for academics with interest in the cryptographic properties of Boolean functions.
1. Boolean Functions and Their Walsh Transforms.- 2. Independence of Boolean Functions of Their Variables.- 3. Nonlinearity and Linear Structures of Boolean Functions.- 4. Correlation Immunity of Boolean Functions.- 5. Algebraic Immunity of Boolean Functions.- 6. The Symmetric Property of Boolean Functions.- 7.Boolean Function Representation of S-boxes and Boolean
Permutations.- 8. Cryptographic Applications of Boolean Functions.
Про автора
Chuan-Kun Wu, a research professor at the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in information security and related fundamental mathematics. He has published over 100 refereed research papers, and has co-authored a few books.
Dengguo Feng, a research professor at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in information security and cryptology. He has published over 200 refereed research papers, including those published in journals such as ‘Theoretical Computer Science’, ‘IEEE Trans. on Information Theory’, and conference papers presented at Crypto and Eurocrypt. He has published over 20 books and has leaded drafting over 20 international and national standards.