Автор: Daegu, South Korea) Tuzlukov Vyacheslav (Kyungpook National University


2 Електронні книги від Daegu, South Korea) Tuzlukov Vyacheslav (Kyungpook National University

Vyacheslav (Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea) Tuzlukov: Signal Processing in Radar Systems
An essential task in radar systems is to find an appropriate solution to the problems related to robust signal processing and the definition of signal parameters. Signal Processing in Radar Systems a …
Vyacheslav (Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea) Tuzlukov: Signal and Image Processing in Navigational Systems
Classical and modern theories have given us a degree of noise immunity by defining the sufficient statistic of the mean of the likelihood function. The generalized theory moves beyond these limitatio …