Urban pests are common all over the world. These include cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, ticks, fleas, ants, termites, rodents and others. These pests thrive in human structures, where there is food, warmth and places to hide. Urban pests are one of the leading causes of illnesses in humans due to allergies, bites, food contamination and phobias. They can also cause significant damage to property and structures.
Knowledge and training in this field is vital for professional and trainee pest managers. This book is specifically intended to provide an aid to such candidates. The book contains 500 multiple-choice questions (and answers) grouped into the following major topic areas:
· The history of urban entomology
· Household pests
· Cockroaches
· Flies
· Mosquitoes
· Bed bugs
· Termites
· Sporadic pests
· Stored product pests
· Vertebrate pests
· Pesticides and pesticide formulations
· Handling pesticides
· Integrated Pest Control
Produced in a convenient format that can be used at any time in any place, the book allows the reader to learn and revise the subject and much more. Its structure allows the study of one topic area at a time, progressing through a simple introduction followed by key revision questions, many of which require students to use their practical knowledge. The answers to each of the questions are provided at the end with short explanations wherever appropriate.
Про автора
Roberto Pereira is an entomologist with B.S. in Agriculture from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, M.S. from Cornell University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida. Early in his career, Roberto with microbial control of insects including fire ants and other urban pests. Roberto is a Research Scientist at the Urban Entomology Laboratory at the University of Florida. He conducts research, education, and extension in several areas of urban entomology, including ants, cockroaches, termites, bed bugs, flies, mosquitoes, and other pests. Roberto has authored or coauthored more than 120 scientific publications and book chapters, several US and international patents on pest control, and numerous non-refereed and trade journal publications. He currently serves as Managing Editor for Pest Pro Magazine, is a member of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, the Entomological Society of America, the Entomological Society of Brazil, the Florida Entomological Society.