This volume is the fruit of a ‘theological laboratory’ initiated by the then-Centre for Child Protection and the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church (CTEWC) called ‘Doing Theology in the Face of Sexual Abuse.’ Eventually those from the laboratory engaged those meeting for two years via ‘virtual tables, ‘ due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the end, twenty-six scholars offer insights on the crisis itself and pathways for moving forward.
There is a certain urgency about this volume, which is not often reflected in works of theology or theological ethics. The sheer scale of the undermining of human dignity through sexual abuse that has occurred within the church asks questions of these disciplines and scholars within them: To what extent have we been blind to these issues? Why have our efforts in theology and theological ethics been so slow to wrestle with this crisis? How are theology and theological ethics implicated in the crisis? And how might the disciplines be constructive in responding? In this volume, we encounter a diverse range of scholars from all around the world wrestling with these and other questions.
Про автора
Hans Zollner, SJ, es director y profesor del Instituto de Antropología y estudios interdisciplinares sobre la dignidad humana y el cuidado de las personas vulnerables (IADC), en la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana de Roma. Es miembro de la Comisión Pontificia para la Protección de los Menores desde su creación en 2014.