Daphne Bryan began playing the piano at the age of seven and at thirteen was awarded a county scholarship to study piano and voice. She continued her studies at music college, where she was awarded the piano prize in her second year. After college, Daphne taught music in schools in Salford, London and Hampshire and then in British Forces schools in Germany and Belgium. During this time, she also taught piano privately and trained several choirs. At the age of fifty-one, she gained an MA with distinction from Sheffield University in Psychology for Musicians and, four years later, a Ph D in music psychology. In 2010, she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Since then she has researched keenly to find ways in which she can positively influence her health. Music has provided many ways through which she has reduced her symptoms. She still teaches piano and trains a choir.
5 Електронні книги від Daphne Bryan
Daphne Bryan: Music as Medicine
Music can play an important part in our lives yet how many of us appreciate the effect it has on our brains, bodies and moods, or understand how we can use music as a medicine? Music has the power to …
Daphne Bryan: Parkinson’s and the B1 Therapy
През 2011 г. италианският невролог д-р Антонио Костантини започва да лекува пациенти с болестта на Паркинсон с високи дози витамин B1. В резултат на това, техните симптоми …
Daphne Bryan: Parkinson’s and the B1 Therapy
В 2011 году итальянский невролог доктор Антонио Костинтини начал лечить своих пациентов с болезнью Паркинсона высокими дозами витамина В1. В результате он наблюдал до 70% улучшение симптом …
Daphne Bryan: 파킨슨병과 B1 요법
2011년 이탈리아의 신경과 전문의 안토니오 코스탄티니(Antonio Costantini) 의사는 고용량의 B1으로 파킨슨병 환자를 치료하기 시작했습니다. 그 결과, 환자들의 증상은 그가 그들과 함께 일한 5년 동안 질병의 명백한 진행 없이 최대&# …
Daphne Bryan: 帕金森病 与 B1 疗法
在2011年,意大利神经学家安东尼奥·科斯坦蒂尼医生开始用高剂量的B1治疗他的帕金森病患者。结果,他们的症状最多改善了70%,在他与他们合作的五年里,疾病没有明显进展。然而,医生和帕金森病护士中仍然缺乏对这种有价值疗法的认识。 本书面向帕金森病患者及其健康专业人士。它提出了理论和假设,以解释硫胺素对大脑的显著效果,讨论了研究高剂量B1对帕金森病患者影响的现有研究,并详细介绍了我们目前理解的,供患 …