This is a true story that will enlighten you on the intense fighting that went on in Vietnam. My brother wrote to me every time he got some time off from going up in his helicopter and fighting for hours at a time. He had trouble finding time to get enough sleep. I was grateful for all the letters that he wrote to me while there. I tried to get him to come home and not re-enlist like he did. He wanted to stay with his group and fight to the end, not knowing how long it would really take to end this cold war. They called it a cold war, but after reading all of Jerrys letters, I would call it a hot war. It lasted 20 years and we lost 58, 267 service men. What a horrible price we had to pay for that war.
I could never have the words enough to express my thanks for all these men who gave their lives for our country and for those that died in wars around the world.
Про автора
Darlene is the author of her autobiography…”The Red Thread” and also a new book of fiction called, “BREANNA.” She has been a pastor’s wife for over 30 years. She also worked for Youth For Christ ministries for 15 years as well as many other church related jobs.