Jodie Gould is an award-winning journalist and author and co-author of twelve books, including The Oxygen Cure with William Maxfield, MD, and Beautiful Brain, Beautiful You with Harvard neurologist Marie Pasinski, MD. She has been a frequent contributor to Woman”s Day, Family Circle, and Harvard Health publications, and she writes for numerous blogs and websites. Gould has been interviewed on national TV and radio shows, such as Oprah, CNN, ABC World News, and i Heart Radio.
4 Електронні книги від David Brownstein
David Brownstein: Heal Your Leaky Gut
Most illnesses start in the gut, including many you would not even think of! If your gut isn’t functioning right, it sets the stage for illness and disease. The gut, the gastrointestinal system, is d …
Katherine Erlich & Kelly Genzlinger: Super Nutrition for Babies
There is a better way to feed your baby. Super Nutrition for Babies gives parents the latest science-verified nutritional recommendations for feeding their child. Based on a program used at one of th …
David Brownstein: Heal Your Leaky Gut Diet and Meal Plan
The companion book to Dr. David Brownstein’s Heal Your Leaky Gut: The Hidden Cause of Many Chronic Diseases. Award-winning physician Dr. David Brownstein delves further into the mind-gut connec …
David Brownstein: Miksi JODIA tarvitaan
Jodi on väärinymmärretyin ja turhaan pelätyin ravinne. Hyvä fyysinen ja henkinen terveys edellyttävät riittävää joditasoa, eikä ole mitään jodia tärkeämpää immuunijärjestelmälle. Jodifobia on aiheutt …