Bernard Phillips, a student of C. Wright Mills at Columbia, received a Ph.D. at Cornell and taught at the University of North Carolina and the University of Illinois before teaching at Boston University. He cofounded ASA”s Section on Sociological Practice, founded the Sociological Imagination Group, and founded a series of monographs with Paradigm Publishers, “Advancing the Sociological Imagination, ” which he coedits with J. David Knottnerus. He resides in Longboat Key, Florida, and can be reached at [email protected] Christner has worked closely with Bernard Phillips in an effort to help fulfill the aims of the Sociological Imagination Group. Its work is described and illustrated on its website, He is the founder of World Health Advanced Technology, which focuses on the development and testing of enercel, a substance used for achieving biofunctional health. Its effectiveness for a number of diseases is presently being tested in several countries around the world. For details, see
6 Електронні книги від David Christner
David Christner & Bernard Phillips: Revolution in the Social Sciences
Revolution in the Social Sciences centers on integrating knowledge from sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, political science and economics in order to confront increasing worldwide problem …
David Christner & Bernard S Phillips: Saving Society
Why do many problems throughout the world seem to be getting worse? Saving Society argues that a dramatic change in our mode of thinking is required. The authors show how many of our fundamental assu …
David Christner & Bernard S Phillips: Saving Society
Why do many problems throughout the world seem to be getting worse? Saving Society argues that a dramatic change in our mode of thinking is required. The authors show how many of our fundamental assu …
David Christner: Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Konfliktbewältigungsstrategien. Vermeidung, Vernichtung, Unterwerfung, Kompromissfindung und Integration
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich BWL – Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Note: 2, 0, AKAD University, ehem. AKAD Fachhochschule Stuttgart, Veranstaltung: SQL05, Sprache: De …
David Christner: Die Rolle von Menschenrechten im Corporate Social Responsibility Konzept. Historische Entwicklungen und Instrumente
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich BWL – Unternehmensethik, Wirtschaftsethik, Note: 2, 3, AKAD University, ehem. AKAD Fachhochschule Stuttgart, Veranstaltung: UFU63, Sprache: Deutsch, Abs …
David Christner: Architektur und Funktionsweise von Wissensbilanzen. Erfolgsmessung des betrieblichen Wissensmanagements
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2020 im Fachbereich BWL – Informationswissenschaften, Informationsmanagement, Note: 1, 3, AKAD University, ehem. AKAD Fachhochschule Stuttgart, Veranstaltung: UFU75, Sprach …