An Apology
For all the irritations Ive caused you,
Im sorry; in a mirror,
My eyes might glisten with tears of fear and remorse.
For being an onerous burden upon you,
Im sorry; in a drama,
Id movingly exit, the back of my hand on my brow …
It is no secret that unrequited love is the most difficult kind of love there is in life. In An Apology and Other Poems, seasoned poet David J. Murray extends a lyrical apology to the heroine who inspired his writing of four previous compilations and may not have welcomed the attention.
In his tenth volume of poems, Murray covers a wide variety of themes that reflect on both the personal and abstract as he explores feelings of humiliation, fear and hope as well as the issues associated with aging, inequality and moral scruples. Throughout his compilation, Murray shares poetry composed in a variety of styles that use both traditional metrical schemes and free verse to convey his thoughts and feelings about life, love and the future.
An Apology and Other Poems shares one mans journey as he reflects on unanswered love, expresses remorse for his actions and hopes for forgiveness.
Про автора
David J. Murray has published nine books of poetry as well as scholarly books, articles and encyclopedia entries. Born and raised in Manchester, England, he earned a doctorate at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Murray is currently emeritus professor of psychology at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, and a resident of Toronto.