Автор: David N. Weisstub

Professor Tomas Zima, Head of the Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine First Faculty of Medicine Charles University in Prague, served as Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine and Rector Magnificus of Charles University. Professor Zima is author of 470 articles which have been cited over 4500 times in the Science Citation Index. He has also written nine books and is Author of over 75 additional chapters. He has lectured globally at 160 universities and served in many leadership roles including as Member of the European Commission’s Scientific Panel for Health (SPH). He is Chair of the Advisory Board for the International Academy of Medical Ethics and Public Health. Professor Weisstub is Honorary Life President of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health and Co-President of the International Academy of Medical Ethics and Public Health. He is Founding Editor of the International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine (Springer). For over 40years, he was Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry (Elsevier) and is Co-Editor of Éthique, Médecine et Politiques Publiques with Professor Christian Hervé. For over 20 years, he was Professor of Law at Osgoode Hall Law School and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto. Until 2017, Professor Weisstub has held the Philippe Pinel Professorship in Legal Psychiatry and Biomedical Ethics at the Université de Montréal. He is Recipient of honorary doctorates in the USA, Canada, Belgium, Austria, Italy and the Czech Republic. A Chevalier of the French Legion of Honour, he was appointed Grande Ufficiale in the Republic of Italy and knighted by the Queen of the Netherlands in the Order of the Dutch Lion.

13 Електронні книги від David N. Weisstub

David N. Weisstub & Guillermo Díaz Pintos: Autonomy and Human Rights in Health Care
Autonomy and Human Rights in Healthcare: An International Perspective is a group of essays published in memory of David Thomasma, one of the leading humanists in the field of bioethics during the twe …
Norbert Konrad & Birgit Völlm: Ethical Issues in Prison Psychiatry
Recent surveys demonstrate a high and possibly increasing prevalence of mental disorders in prisoners. They have an increased risk of suffering from a mental disorder that transcends countries and di …
George F. Tomossy & David N. Weisstub: Human Experimentation and Research
This title was first published in 2003: As new medical technologies and treatments develop with increasing momentum, the legal and ethical implications of research involving human participants are be …
George F. Tomossy & David N. Weisstub: Human Experimentation and Research
This title was first published in 2003: As new medical technologies and treatments develop with increasing momentum, the legal and ethical implications of research involving human participants are be …
David C. Thomasma & David N. Weisstub: Variables of Moral Capacity
Moral capacity is an important feature of what it means to be human. In this volume, the contributors have taken on the daunting task of trying to distinguish between legal and moral capacity. This d …
David N. Weisstub: Law and Mental Health
Law and Mental Health: International Perspectives, Volume 3 considers the jurisprudence and models of legislation concerning public mental health that suit the particular requirements of different cu …
S. Gauthier & David C. Thomasma: Aging: Decisions at the End of Life
Decisions at the End of Life is the last volume in a trilogy on Aging conceived for the International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine. Leading scholars from a range of disciplines examin …
S. Gauthier & David C. Thomasma: Aging: Caring for Our Elders
Caring for Our Elders is the second of three volumes on Aging conceived for the International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine. Leading scholars from a range of disciplines address some o …
S. Gauthier & David C. Thomasma: Aging: Culture, Health, and Social Change
Culture, Health, and Social Change is the first of three volumes on Aging conceived for the International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine. Leading scholars from a range of disciplines co …
Christian Herve & David C. Thomasma: Personhood and Health Care
PERSONHOOD AND HEALTH CARE This book arose as a result of a pre-conference devoted to the topic held June 28, 1999 in Paris, France. The pre-conference preceded the Annual Congress of the Internation …
Tomas Zima & David N. Weisstub: Medical Research Ethics: Challenges in the 21st Century
This book provides a current review of Medical Research Ethics on a global basis. The book contains chapters that are historically and philosophically reflective and aimed to promote a discussion abo …