Mental Health Law in England and Wales is a comprehensive guide to the Mental Health Act 1983 for any mental health professional – from social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists, to doctors and nurses. The book aims to simplify mental health law so that it’s accessible to busy professionals at all stages of practice as well as those affected by mental health law.
Key chapters include details on who operates the Act, who is affected by it, how the law governs issues of capacity and consent to treatment, how to appeal against compulsion, and the role of the nearest relative. There are also important chapters on advocacy, children and human rights issues, as well as extensive appendices which provide access to the 1983 Act itself, important rules and regulations, and a summary of key cases.
This Fifth Edition includes:
– Practical advice and checklists for working with the Act.
– An updated text of the Mental Health Act and relevant Rules and Regulations.
– Recent case law including the Devon judgment on Mental Health Act assessments.
– A summary of the Human Rights Act 1998.
– Guidance on the interface between the Mental Health Act and the Mental Capacity Act.
– Recent case law concerning the ‘relevant information’ when assessing for incapacity.
Chapter 1: Background to the Mental Health Act 1983
Chapter 2: Who operates the Act?
Chapter 3: The Codes of Practice and the Reference Guide
Chapter 4: Mental disorder and the availability of appropriate medical treatment
Chapter 5: Civil admission and compulsion in hospital
Chapter 6: Civil compulsion in the community
Chapter 7: Mentally disordered offenders
Chapter 8: Medical treatment under the Mental Health Act
Chapter 9: The Mental Capacity Act 2005
Chapter 10: The interface between the Mental Health Act and the Mental Capacity Act
Chapter 11: The deprivation of liberty safeguards
Chapter 12: Tribunals
Chapter 13: Hospital managers
Chapter 14: The nearest relative
Chapter 15: The Care Quality Commission (England) and the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales
Chapter 16: Independent mental health advocates
Chapter 17: Human Rights Act implications
Chapter 18: Children and young persons
Про автора
Robert Brown is a Visiting Fellow at Bournemouth University and was a Founding Director of Edge Training and Consultancy Limited. He was a Mental Health Act Commissioner from 1992 until 2010. He provides refresher training for Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) and Best Interest Assessors (BIAs) and contributes to the training of section 12 approved doctors and Approved Clinicians in South West England and Wales. He provides consultation and supervision for the AMHPs/BIAs in the Deprivation of Liberty Team in Cornwall. Rob also provides consultation to Lead AMHPs in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Lambeth, Portsmouth and West Berkshire. He has published widely in the field of mental health and mental capacity law.