Just as China is called the world factory for manufactured goods, it is also a world factory for manufactured animal cruelty in a new phenomenon of globalized animal cruelty. Animals in China examines animal protection in China in its legal, social and cultural contexts.
1. When Animals and Humans Meet in the Middle Kingdom: Introduction
2. Happy Fish and Royal Workers: Animals in Traditional Philosophy and Law
3. Pandamonium: Wildlife Law
4. Crouching Tiger Bones, Hidden Elephant Tusks: Wildlife Crimes
5. The F-word of Cats and Dogs: Food or Friends
6. Caged Monkey Kings, Naked Foxes and Screaming Bunnies: Working Animals
7. Chinese Animal Lib: An Emerging Social Movement
8. Last Words…
Appendix 1: Legal Provisions Quoted in Original Chinese
Appendix 2: List of Statutes in Chinese and English
Appendix 3: List of Laboratory Primate Quotas
Про автора
Deborah Cao is a professor at Griffith University, Australia. She is a scholar of animal law, legal language, legal translation and Chinese law and legal culture. She is also active in social media in China and writes about Chinese culture, society and animals, and was named one of the 200 most influential bloggers in China in 2012.