Автор: Dennis Olson

Dr. theol. Magne Sæbø ist em. Professor für Altes Testament an der Gemeindefakultät in Oslo und ehemaliger Präsident der International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (1995–1998).

2 Електронні книги від Dennis Olson

Magne Sæbø: Hebrew Bible / Old Testament. III: From Modernism to Post-Modernism
The long and complex history of reception and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament through the ages, described in the HBOT Project, focuses in this concluding volume III, Part 2 on the …
Aswini Kumar Mishra & Vairam Arunachalam: The Financial Landscape of Emerging Economies
This volume presents current developments in the field of finance from an emerging markets perspective. Featuring most of the contributions presented at the second International Conference on Economi …