Canadians in greater numbers than ever before are turning to real estate to build wealth. The Authentic Canadian Real Estate (ACRE) system is the first of its kind to show average Canadians how to profit from investing in residential real estate. In Real Estate Investing in Canada, you will discover how to cut through the hype and emotion of any real estate market and accurately assess the inherent risks and rewards. Whether you are buying your first property or your 100th, this book provides new-found tools, strategies and condence to help you achieve your investment goals.
‘This is a great book. The information in just one of the chapters alone saved me over $28, 000.’
Michael Millenaar
‘Full of practical Canadian content and presented in an organized and respectful system. It directly addresses how to get the money and financing you need to purchase real estate and achieve your goals.’
Tamara Mac Laren
‘One of Don Campbell’s great gifts is his near-genius ability to take something that appears complex and break it down into a simple step-by-step system that anyone can follow. I am convinced that everyone will thoroughly enjoy, and more important, benefit financially, by reading this book.’
Russell Westcott
‘The power of Real Estate Investing in Canada lies in the super simple, market-proven system that it offers you. It makes real estate dreams possible for any Canadian. If you are serious about learning the truth, cutting through the hype and being successful, this is your real estate bible!’
Valden Palm, Mister
The markets across the country are continually shifting and you must keep on top of the latest information. So, as a bonus, every registered reader of Real Estate Investing in Canada will have proprietary access to critical forms and ongoing market research at
Foreword xiii
Introduction xv
Chapter 1: Your Real Estate Success Road Map 1
Chapter 2: Flight from Nowhere 9
Chapter 3: Your Own Personal Belize 19
Chapter 4: The Four Most Important Words in Real Estate Investing: “What’s Behind the Curtain?” 33
Chapter 5: How to Tell If a Town Will Boom or Bust: The 12 Keys That Unlock the Vault 41
Chapter 6: Property Goldmine Score Card 65
Chapter 7: Skipping Stones to Success 71
Chapter 8: Not Any Port in a Storm: How to Find the Best Properties in the Best Areas 79
Chapter 9: The Property Analyzer Form: Where the Rubber Hits the Road 95
Chapter 10: Below Average or Super Successful: You Choose! 115
Chapter 11: Placing Your Offer and Getting It Accepted 127
Chapter 12: Getting Your Banker to Yes! 143
Chapter 13: Seven Winning Strategies for Getting the Financing 159
Chapter 14: From Corporate Job to Successful Real Estate Investor 197
Chapter 15: Negotiating Secrets of the Overachieving Investor 213
Chapter 16: Th e Big Close—A Day of Reckoning 231
Chapter 17: What Becomes of Richard and Emma? —Canadian Success Stories 235
Chapter 18: Your Personal Action Plan 245
Appendix 1: Checklists
Due Diligence Checklists 251
Property Analyzer Form 257
Appendix 2: Canadian Real Estate Glossary 259
Real Estate Investment Network 279
Acknowledgements 281
Index 283
Про автора
DON R. CAMPBELL is a Canadian real estate investor, author and consultant. He is president of the Real Estate Investment Network (REIN™), whose membership exceeds 3400 successful Canadian investors and whose investment in Canadian residential real estate is in the billions of dollars.
In his real estate seminars, held regularly in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Toronto, Don shares his years of hands-on experience as he teaches strategies he has personally tested in the real world. He has helped investors achieve their dreams, and charities such as Habitat for Humanity benefit from his enterprise.
Please visit for Don R. Campbell’s seminar schedule, information about REIN, and sign up for free discussion forums. You may also register your book to receive more valuable information about real estate investing.