Learn To Play Acoustic Guitar is a comprehensive course for beginners to get started enjoying the fun of playing the acoustic guitar. It will lead you on a path to acoustic guitar mastery. It will show you in a very simple method of how to get started playing acoustic guitar. Learn parts of the guitar, how to properly hold it, what chords need to be learned first and how to play those guitar chords to create music. Learn acoustic guitar techniques such as strumming, fingerstyle, arpeggiating, timing and practice habits. Learn basic chords as well as chord theory and training exercises. in a simple step-by-step method that will produce quick results. Yep, it’s all here in this book Learn To Play Acoustic Guitar. If you are looking to learn to play acoustic guitar, then this book is for you. Even if you play guitar already, you can still learn some new music concepts from this book. Packed with information that most guitar players who play by ear don’t know. Like how to read chord diagrams. How to break down timing into note sequencing for creating better rhythms. This book is designed to take you from an absolute newbie (who knows nothing about the guitar) to a well proficient player of music knowledge and understanding. Improve your rhythm guitar playing, your music theory, and techniques associated with playing acoustic guitar in this comprehensive course.
Table of contents
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 Getting Started 1
Lesson 1: Acoustic guitar parts 1
Lesson 2: Learning guitar posture 4
Lesson 3: Both hands positioning 5
Lesson 4: Tuning the guitar 9
Lesson 5: The guitar pick 13
Chapter 1 Summary 15
Chapter 2 Your First Chords 17
Lesson 6: Reading chord charts 17
Lesson 7: E minor and E major 19
Lesson 8: A minor and C major 21
Lesson 9: F major and D major 23
Lesson 10: G major and A major 25
Chapter 2 Summary 27
Chapter 3 Additional Chords 29
Lesson 11: D minor & F minor 29
Lesson 12: B major & B minor 31
Lesson 13: C9 and Asus2 33
Lesson 14: Guitar tablature 37
Lesson 15: All chords in tab format 39
Chapter 3 Summary 41
Chapter 4 Common Rhythm Techniques 43
Lesson 16: Strumming chords 43
Lesson 17: Arpeggiating chords 45
Lesson 18: Fingerstyle picking 47
Lesson 19: Using a capo 52
Chapter 4 Summary 54
Chapter 5: Seventh Chords 57
Lesson 20: A7 & E7 chord 57
Lesson 21: D7 & B7 chord 59
Lesson 22: C7 & G7 chord 61
Lesson 23: Major & minor 7th chords 63
Lesson 24: Basic chord theory 65
Chapter 5 Summary 68