In 1984, after the death of my father, my life was to change forever. I knew that death was not the end. So began the thirty years of research. In June 1997, on a sunny Friday afternoon, I experienced a divine revelation in broad daylight, which took me from this earth to another dimension. There I was to discover what God had in store for me. At that time in my life, I wasnt sure if God existed. I was told that I had a mission to complete back on earth, and that is to help all of humanity. My response and protest to this was that I did not feel worthy or I was not educated enough for the task involved. It was as if suddenly I realized where I was. I felt very humble and overwhelmed. I wasnt told how and when this would take place. That was for me to discover. It has been a long, hard, and bumpy journey.
I hope you find my book helpful.
Peace and light,
Eileen Veronica Richmond
1 Електронні книги від Eileen Veronica Richmond
Eileen Veronica Richmond: Daffodil
The world is facing great changes. We have to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead. The type of book that I have written is becoming more demanding with the population all around the globe. The reas …