El Ninjo is going to demonstrate how he takes advantage of each single adventure that he is experiencing in various hilarious situations of life in Volume 1 and the situations go like this: * The Wake Upper Popper * The Straight Up Breakfast Table Shot * The Flying Carpet * The Backpack Burster * The Gasification In The Car * The Neighbour Detonator * The Imaginary Bone Shot Or Fart Expressionism * The Blue Hour In The Elevator (This is a brand new and never before released story. It is included for the first time in this new and enhanced color and audio version of the Fart Book) * The Delivery Boy Truck Detonater * The Stinky Tsunami * The Lego Blower * The Hand Stinker * The Marshmallow Shooter * The Steamy Sweat Blanket Pooper * The Gas Eruption in the Chicken Coop and many more… In Volume 2 he faces the most challenging sports activities like: * How To Jump Higher * How Windsurfing Works In The Doldrums? * Driving On The Merry Go Round and many more…
Про автора
El Ninjo, the bottom burping puppy, is not only the author, but he is also the star character of a series called the fart book. He has given young and old a platform to LOL when it comes to the embarrassing subject of farts because he not only shows the fun aspect of it, but reminds his readers that farts also have a very healthy aspect and do benefit the farter. Kids also love to learn from the funny & farty puppy El Ninjo about manners & etiquette because there is no better way of learning about these social concepts than the El Ninjo way!