A looming leadership gap faces most organizations over the next 10 years. Has your organization prepared for the imminent lack-of-leadership crisis? Do you have a pipeline of developed leaders for the future?
Leadership is the most important competency for both individual and organizational success and advancement. As Cynthia D. Mc Cauley of the Center for Creative Leadership notes in her overview, leadership is also ‘a tool designed to help with a particular human dilemma: how t...
A looming leadership gap faces most organizations over the next 10 years. Has your organization prepared for the imminent lack-of-leadership crisis? Do you have a pipeline of developed leaders for the future?
Leadership is the most important competency for both individual and organizational success and advancement. As Cynthia D. Mc Cauley of the Center for Creative Leadership notes in her overview, leadership is also ‘a tool designed to help with a particular human dilemma: how to get individuals to work together effectively to produce collective outcomes.’
When you need to learn more about how to drive success in your organization, where do you turn? To the experts. And The ASTD Leadership Handbook provides 48 thought leaders—the names you know and have come to trust—to enable you to learn about every facet of leadership. Here you’ll find a substantial and practical collection of wisdom, philosophies, and tools from the most respected authorities on the subject. Within this impressive volume, you’ll find five major sections addressing the critical aspects of the field:
Leadership Competencies Leadership Development Attributes of Successful Leaders Contemporary Leadership Challenges Broadening the Leadership Discussion.
In each chapter, leaders share their expertise to help you solve your most pressing leadership challenges. Get the complete table of contents here.
The lineup includes leading experts from a broad range of organizations in both the public and private sectors and features a number from the Center for Creative Leadership (ranked by the Financial Times as one of the top three leadership development organizations in the world).
Many of the authors also provide free tools, which you can get here. If you can invest in only one leadership book, let this be it. You’ll have all the insights and applications you need to thoroughly understand and practice its principles, guided by the expertise of those who have literally written the books on leadership.