Marvel Comics in the 1970s explores a forgotten chapter in the story of the rise of comics as an art form. Bridging Marvel’s dizzying innovations and the birth of the underground comics scene in the 1960s and the rise of the prestige graphic novel and postmodern superheroics in the 1980s, Eliot Borenstein reveals a generation of comic book writers whose work at Marvel in the 1970s established their own authorial voice within the strictures of corporate comics.
Through a div...
Introduction: The Best Marvel Comic of the 1970s
1. Inside Out: Stan Lee and the Drama of the Visible Self
2. Everyday Transcendence: Steve Englehart and the Quest for Self...
Про автора
Eliot Borenstein is Professor of Russian and Slavic Studies at New York University, where he teaches an annual course on the graphic novel. His books include Overkill, Pl...