This volume includes the full proceedings from the 1996 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference held in Phoenix, Arizona. The research and presentations offered in this volume cover many aspects of marketing science including marketing strategy, consumer behaviour, marketing management, international marketing, marketing education, among others.
Founded in 1971, the Academy of Marketing Science is an international organization dedicated to promoting timely explorations of phenomena related to the science of marketing in theory, research, and practice. Among its services to members and the community at large, the Academy offers conferences, congresses and symposia that attract delegates from around the world. Presentations from these events are published in this Proceedings series, which offers a comprehensive archive of volumes reflecting the evolution of the field. Volumes deliver cutting-edge research and insights, complimenting the Academy’s flagship journals, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) and AMS Review. Volumes are edited by leading scholars and practitioners across a wide range of subject areas in marketing science.
Affect, Belief and Attitude Research.- International Marketing: Diffusion and Market Orientation Issues.- Salesperson Performance.- Assorted Issues in Services Marketing.- International Perspectives on Marketing Education.- Relational Bonding in Marketing Channels.- Logistics: Customer-Driven, Supplier Steered.- Issues in Survey Research: Rank and Rate, Carryovers and Followups.- Consumer Behavior Perspectives on the Product.- Retail Service Issues.- International Marketing: Consumer Oriented Issues.- Strategic Perspectives for Marketing.- International Marketing: Import, Export ad Trade Issues.-In Pursuit of Service Quality.- Retail Management.- Non-Traditional Aspects of Marketing Management.- Ethics, Macromarketing and Public Policy.- Consumer Shopping Styles.- Business-to-Business Buying Relationships.- Consumer Behavior Research on Shopping and Decision Making.- Tempering Relationships in Tepid Marketing Channel Climates.- Issues in Methodological Applications: Combinations, Assessments and Misspecifications.- Promotion Management.- Decision-Making in the Retail Marketplace.- Marketing Channel Environments: Stricture, Structure and Strength.- Back to the Classroom: Innovations and Processes.- Brand and Price Considerations for Product Planning Success.- Sales Management Issues.