Introduction. Part I: Principles. Poiesis and the Aesthetics of Social Change, Stephen K. Levine. Expressive Arts and Social Change: Have We Gone Beyond Therapy?, Ellen G. Lev...
Introduction. Part I: Principles. Poiesis and the Aesthetics of Social Change, Stephen K. Levine. Expressive Arts and Social Change: Have We Gone Beyond Therapy?, Ellen G. Levine. The Capacity of Expressive Arts to Facilitate Change: A Human Imperative, Karen Estrella. Communal Art Making and Conflict Management: The Art Experience as a Resource for a Meditation-focused Discourse, Paolo Knill. Dark Aspects of Creation: The Alchemy of Imagination, Shaun Mc Niff. Part II: Issues. Trauma and Performance: Constructing Meaning After Tragedy – The Theater of Witness, Jack Saul. A Social-critical Reading of Indigenous Women’s Art: The Use of Visual Data to ‘Show’, Rather than ‘Tell’, of the Intersection of Different Layers of Oppression, Ephrat Huss. Inside and Outside: The Collision Between Internal and External Worlds in Contexts of Political Violence and Social Change, Debra Kalmanowitz and Bobby Lloyd. Toward a New Understanding of the Effectiveness of the Arts Therapies in the Treatment of PTSD: A Poetic, Neuropsychological Approach, Mooli Lahad. A Wu Wei of Social Change: Some Thoughts on Relational Aesthetics Under Unlikely Circumstances, Sabine Silberberg. Listening to the Voice of Victims: The Healing Power of Poetry in Contexts of Torture and War, Shanee Stepakoff. Part III: Projects. The Choreography of Absence: (In)habiting the Imagination After War in Sierra Leone, Carrie Mac Leod. Creating Space for Change: The Use of Expressive Arts with Vulnerable Children and Women Prisoners in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gloria Simoneaux. Beauty in the Rough Places: Expressive Arts Responses to Critical Incidents in Darfur, Karen Abbs. The Child in the Street: Expressive Arts in Bolivia, Sally Atkins. Owning the Unknown: The Metamorphosis of The Children’s Expressive Arts Project at Bard College, Susanna Armbruster. A Voice in the Scene of Chaos: Expressive Arts and Social Practice within the Peruvian Context, TAE Peru (Judith Alalu, Jose Miguel Calderon, Ximena Maurial, Monica Prado, Pilar Souza, Martin Zavala). Rising From the Depths: Lesley University’s Experience in Using the Expressive Arts as a Tool to Integrate Ethiopian Jewish Immigrants in Nes Ziona, Israel, Vivien Markow-Speiser and Samuel Schwartz.