Think and act strategically every time
In today’s business environment, strategic planning stresses the
importance of making decisions that will ensure an organization’s
ability to successfully respond to changes in the environment and
plan for sustainable viability. Providing practical, field-tested
techniques and a complete 6-phase plan, Strategic Planning Kit
For Dummies shows you how to make strategy a habit for all
organizations, no matter the size, type, or resource
Strategic Planning Kit For Dummies is for companies of
all types and sizes looking to build and sustain a competitive
edge, set up an ongoing process for market assessment and trend
analysis, and develop a vision for future growth. This revised
edition includes: new and updated content on planning for both the
short and the long-term; crucial information on succession
planning; help preparing for the unexpected using scenario planning
and agile strategy; strategies for implementing change and
integrating strategic plans successfully by involving all staff
members; and more.
* The supplementary CD lays out a comprehensive, 6-phase,
step-by-step program, complete with downloadable spreadsheets,
charts, checklists, video links, and more
* Provides value for any business or entrepreneur looking to
improve efficiency, focus, and competitive edge
* Includes practical, field-tested techniques
Strategic Planning Kit For Dummies gives today’s business
owners and upper-level management the tools and information they
need to think and act strategically in order to more effectively
weather current economic storms while planning for future
Introduction 1
Part I: Kicking Off Your Strategic Planning Process 7
Chapter 1: What Is Strategic Planning Really? 9
Chapter 2: Why Strategic Planning Works 23
Chapter 3: Getting Set Up for Successful Planning 35
Part II: Determining Your Core DNA and Envisioned Future53
Chapter 4: Identifying Your Strategic Issues 55
Chapter 5: Focusing on What You Do Best 75
Chapter 6: Developing Your Mission, Values, and Vision 91
Part III: Sizing Up Your Current Situation 111
Chapter 7: Assessing Your Business and Its Capabilities 113
Chapter 8: Seeing Your Business through Your Customers’ Eyes131
Chapter 9: Researching the Market to Find New Customers 147
Chapter 10: Identifying Your Opportunities and Threats 169
Part IV: Mapping Your Organization’s Path to the Future191
Chapter 11: Strategizing for Growth and Sustainability 193
Chapter 12: Establishing Your Strategic Objectives, Goals, and Actions 211
Chapter 13: Putting Your Plan into Action 237
Part V: Living and Breathing Your Plan 261
Chapter 14: Execute, Execute, Execute: Putting Your Plan to Work263
Chapter 15: Scenario Planning: Answering the What Ifs 283
Chapter 16: Value-Creating Strategies for Entrepreneurial Organizations 295
Chapter 17: Sustainability for the Social Sectors 305
Part VI: The Part of Tens 319
Chapter 18: Ten Tips to Keep Your Strategic Plan from Hittingthe Shelf 321
Chapter 19: Ten Ways to Ruin Your Strategy Meetings and How to Avoid Them 325
Chapter 20: Ten Ways to Maintain Momentum in Your Planning Process (And Life) 331
Appendix: About the CD 335
Index 343
Про автора
Erica Olsen is cofounder and COO of M3 Planning, Inc., a firm dedicated to developing and executing strategy. M3 provides consulting and facilitation services, as well as hosts products and tools such as My Strategic Plan for leaders with big ideas who want to empower and focus their teams to achieve them.