Andrej Pleterski (b. 1979) is an award-winning literary translator from English, French, and Slovak, and of Slovenian poetry into English and Slovak. In addition to numerous contributions to literary journals and catalogs, he has published more than twenty book-length translations of poetry and prose and compiled four anthologies. He has run the Slovak literary translation workshop organized by the Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities since 2011.
2 Електронні книги від Esad Babacic
Esad Babačić: Every Child Is Beautiful When Born
In this, Esad Babačić’s first book of poetry to appear in English, we have a very different and surprising voice emerging from Slovenia. The closest parallel is the poetry, as much as the attitude, o …
Andrea Stift-Laube: Lichtungen 175
Die Literaturzeitschrift Lichtungen erscheint vier Mal im Jahr und hat ihren Redaktionssitz seit 1979 in Graz. Jede Ausgabe widmet sich einem internationalen Schwerpunkt und zeitgenössischer Literatu …