This book is intended to be a useful contribution for the modern teaching of applied mathematics, educating Industrial Mathematicians that will meet the growing demand for such experts.
It covers many applications where mathematics play a fundamental role, from biology, telecommunications, medicine, physics, finance and industry. It is presented in such a way that can be useful in Modelation, Simulation and Optimization courses, targeting master and Ph D students. Its content is based on many editions from the successful series of Modelling Weeks organized by the European Consortium of Mathematics in Industry (ECMI). Each chapter addresses a particular problem, and is written in a didactic way, providing the description of the problem, the particular way of approaching it and the proposed solution, along with the results obtained.
Inverse Problems in Diffuse Optical Tomography Applications.- 1D Models for Blood Flow in Arteries.- Uncertainty Quantificatio of Chemical Kinetic Reaction Rate Coefficients.- Nuclear Accidents: How Can Mathematicians Help to Save Lives?.- Drug Delivery from Ophthalmic Lenses.- The Zombie Invasion.- Optimal Heating of an Indoor Swimming Pool.- Some Basic Epidemic Models.- Mathematical Model for the Game Management Plan.- Efficient Parameter-Dependent Simulation of Infections in a Population Model.- Optimising a Cascade of Hydro-electric Power Stations.- Networks of Antennas: Power Optimization.