Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 31st IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2013, the fourth volume of seven from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Structural Dynamics, including papers on:
Modal Parameter Identification for Civil Structures
Vibration Control of Civil Structures
Cable Dynamics
Damage Detection Models for Civil Structures
Data-Driven Health Monitoring of Structures & Infrastructure
Experimental Techniques for Civil Structures
Human-induced Vibrations of Civil Structures
Structural Modeling for Civil Structures
From the Contents: Accurate Damping Estimation by Automated OMA Procedures.- Real-Time Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection.- Improved Substructure Identification through use of an Active Control Device.- Hybrid MPC: An Application to Semiactive Control of Structures.- Findings With AVC Design for Mitigation of Human Induced Vibrations in Office Floors.- Power Requirements for Active Control of Floor Vibrations.- Tuning TMDs to ‘Fix’ Floors in MDOF Shear Buildings.- Precise Stiffness Control With MR Dampers.- Employing Hybrid Tuned Mass Damper to Solve Off-Tuning Problems for Controlling Human Induced Vibration in Stadia.- Semi-active TMD Concept for Volgograd Bridge.