Автор: Firoz Khan

Basani Baloyi is a Researcher of Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development, at the School of Economics Business Science, University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa). Euonell Grudling is the Environmental Officer in the Directorate of Waste Minimisation and Planning, Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (South Africa). Firoz Khan is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University, focusing on Development Planning and Applied Economics. Zwelinzima Ndevu is a Lecturer in the Department of Public Administration at theSchool of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University (South Africa). Greg Ruiters is (Acting) Director of the School of Government at the University of the Western Cape (South Africa).

4 Електронні книги від Firoz Khan

Alagan Anpalagan & Firoz Khan: Securing IoT and Big Data
This book covers Io T and Big Data from a technical and business point of view. The book explains the design principles, algorithms, technical knowledge, and marketing for Io T systems. It emphasizes …
Alagan Anpalagan & Firoz Khan: Securing IoT and Big Data
This book covers Io T and Big Data from a technical and business point of view. The book explains the design principles, algorithms, technical knowledge, and marketing for Io T systems. It emphasizes …
Inamuddin & Amir Al-Ahmed: The Effects of Dust and Heat on Photovoltaic Modules: Impacts and Solutions
This book discusses how to reduce the impact of dust and heat on photovoltaic systems. It presents the problems caused by both dust accumulation and heat on PV systems, as well as the solutions, in a …
Lakshmana Kumar Ramasamy & Firoz Khan: Blockchain for Global Education
This book presents Blockchain technology and its various applications in educational environments. The authors show how Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the field of education by creatin …