Автор: François Specq

François Specq (Editor) FRANÇOIS SPECQ is a professor of American literature and culture at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon-Université de Lyon/CNRS. Laura Dassow Walls (Editor) LAURA DASSOW WALLS is William P. and Hazel B. White Professor of English at the University of Notre Dame. Michel Granger (Editor) MICHEL GRANGER is a professor of American literature and culture at the Université de Lyon/CNRS.

5 Електронні книги від François Specq

François Specq & Laura Dassow Walls: Thoreauvian Modernities
Does Thoreau belong to the past or to the future? Instead of canonizing him as a celebrant of “pure” nature apart from the corruption of civilization, the essays in Thoreauvian Modernities reveal edg …
Klaus Benesch & François Specq: Walking and the Aesthetics of Modernity
This book gathers together an array of international scholars, critics, and artists concerned with the issue of walking as a theme in modern literature, philosophy, and the arts. Covering a wide arra …
Vanessa Guignery & Catherine Pesso-Miquel: Hybridity
Over the last two decades, the unstable notion of hybridity has been the focus of a number of debates in cultural and literary studies, and has been discussed in connection with such notions as metis …
Jack London: Une odyssée du Grand Nord / Le silence blanc
Malemute Kid, Mason et son épouse indienne Ruth épuisent leurs chiens de traîneau en quête d’or, de sensations fortes et d’avenir radieux. Mais la chute d’un arbre sur leur chemin ramènera les aventu …
Jack London: Une femme de cran et autres nouvelles
‘La femme à laquelle je faisais allusion s’appelait Passuk. Je l’ai achetée en bonne et due forme à sa tribu, qui était de la côte et dont le totem chilkat était dressé à l’extrémité d’un bras de mer …