A brilliant professor vanishes, leaving behind only a cryptic message scrawled on an exam paper. Just when the Hardy brothers, Frank and Joe, are about to hit a dead end, a new clue surfaces, pointing them toward the mysterious Honeycomb Cliffs. Danger and intrigue await them as they tunnel into cavernous depths, determined to unearth the secrets hidden within. Join the boys for an exciting but treacherous adventure in book seven of the Hardy Boys mystery series.
The Rescue
Miss Todd
Concerning Todham Todd
Plans for a Trip
The Missing Motorcycle
Carl Schaum
Strange Doings
The Storm
The Cave
Footsteps in the Night
A Disappearance
Stolen Supplies
Captain Royal
The Old Sailor
“Go Away!”
The Man on the Shore
The Prisoner
Clippings 1
The Shotgun
Over the Cliff
In Swirling Waters
Back to Bayport
At the Hospital
The Last of Captain Royal