Let us be aware that human existence is not real. If it truly were reality, then the physical body would not perish; there would then be lasting youth. The soul in a person is not of this world, it lives eternally-we are therefore nothing more than wayfarers on the way back to the true eternal homeland. However, to which influences a person is exposed to on his way on this side of life and as a soul in the beyond is reported about in this book- as a warning and guidance. Those people who believe in a higher existence, which we call Creator or God, should be aware that this side of life and the beyond are not separate-and that our behavior on this side has an effect on our further life’s path as a soul.
A selected passage from the book:
‘Every person has a spiritual guardian being at his or her side, which, according to free will, admonishes and warns. But whether the person perceives the impulses or disregards them is determined by the person himself. Life on Earth is dangerous, and yet, each person has his own path of becoming in hand …’
An excerpt:
‘… Perhaps these words can help many a one to think about himself. The request to you, to all of us is: Pay attention, may we all pay attention to the content of everything that we utter and what we want and do. We transfer everything, but really everything to our soul. …
Do not allow yourself, let us not allow ourselves, to be tempted and seduced! Let us take good care of our body and of our soul; for, as mentioned, just as we are as a human being, we could perhaps be as a soul already tomorrow. For none of knows when his last hour will be.’
The astral body-the soul. While incarnated, its energetic aura, its radiation, is visible as varying nuances of color
Every single person and their soul are an immeasurable sending and receiving station
This side of life and the beyond are not separate. The individual’s free will decides: For or against the cosmic law
Everything is energy. Everything that the person thinks, says and does is energy. According to the law of sowing and reaping, the person bears the responsibility for all transgressions
Animals do indeed have a soul!
A person’s works follow him, in his soul
Someone who doesn’t know himself often remains blind as a soul.
‘Astral Hackers’: Earthbound souls ‘hack’ into people’s life programs.
How do earthbound sould proceed in order to bend a person to their will, to influence, besiege and possess him?
The causal law weight and measures precisely. who bears the blame
Interest groups of souls turn certain types of people into suppliers of energy
Every soul is thoroughly advised and admonished by the spiritual world.
How guilt-ridden souls recognize themselves in picture sequences.
God speaks untiringly
Respect, treasure and safeguard your life! After your demise, your soul will live on …
In the innermost part of every soul ist he heart of purity, the incorruptible core of being. It guarantees to each person the return to the eternal homeland