Eleven essays invite us to rethink not only what constitutes an environment but also where the environment ends and selfhood begins. The essays examine the dynamic and varied mediations early modern writers posited between microcosm and macrocosm, ranging from discourses on the ecology of passions to striking examples of distributed cognition.
List of Illustrations Acknowledgments Notes on Contributors Introduction: Inhabiting the Body, Inhabiting the World; G.Sullivan & M.Floyd-Wilson Spongy Brains and Material Memories; J.Sutton Marvell’s Amazing Garden; M.Thomas Crane The Souls of Animals: John Donne’s Metempsychosis and Early Modern Natural History; E.D.Harvey Affective Irony: Toward an Emotional Logic of the Elizabethan Stage; S.Mullaney Inconstancy: Changeable Affections in Stuart Dramas of Contract; K.Rowe The East in British-American Writing: English Identity, John Smith’s True Travels , and Severed Heads; J.Egan ‘My liquid journey’: The Frontispiece to Coryat’s Crudities (1611); D.J.Baker Becoming the Landscape: The Ecology of the Passions in the Legend of Temperance; G.Kern Paster ‘The Material Point of Poesy’: Reading, Writing and Sensation in Puttenham’s The Art of English Poesie K.Craik Spelling the Body; T.Pollard Humanist Habitats; Or, ‘Eating Well’ with Thomas More’s Utopia ; J.Yates Index
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DAVID J. BAKER Professor of English at the University of Hawai’i, Manoa KATHARINE A. CRAIK Senior Lecturer at Oxford Brookes University, UK MARY THOMAS CRANE Professor of English at Boston College, USA JIM EGAN Associate Professor of English at Brown University, USA ELIZABETH D. HARVEY Professor of English at the University of Toronto, Canada STEVEN MULLANEY Associate Professor in the Department of English, University of Michigan, USA GAIL KERN PASTER Director of the Folger Shakespeare Library, USA TANYA POLLARD Assistant Professor of English, Montclair State University, USA KATHERINE ROWE Professor of English, Bryn Mawr College, USA JOHN SUTTON Head of the Department of Philosophy, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia JULIAN YATES Associate Professor of English and Material Culture Studies, University of Delaware, USA