Scientific Study from the year 2012 in the subject Cultural Studies – Miscellaneous, , course: global leadership, language: English, abstract: In the following I would like to explore how the body and the mind can be attuned in an optimum way. It is really not enough to focus on values and behaviours alone, for our human body which has been given to us along with a most definite and definitive design or genetic programming with regard to structures and functions of each atom of the whole is contained in each one of billions of cells. This human body is the primary screen and vehicle through which we interact with our diverse environments and encounter cultural diversity. The body is our primary vehicle of experience and expression, the material support of life. Therefore it is life itself. It is most directly exposed to the outside world, to the struggle with other, sometimes competing forms of life, to the power games, we play, exacerbated by cultural diversity and human ignorance, ʹavidyaʹ as the Vedic sages termed it already thousands of years ago summarily. This struggle for survival affects the physical integrity, our structural edifice. And due to the organic interconnectedness of the human biological system as a whole, the energetic and mental structures are affected in turn. Therefore, interferences at one level have repercussions on all other levels.
Про автора
A thoroughly multicultural educational background based on leading international centers of learning and research in PARIS – MADRID – LONDON – CAMBRIDGE.
Notably the Sorbonne (UNIV. PARIS I – PANTHÉON and UNIV. PARIS IV) and Cambridge University – among the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world. Academic and private sector experience. Language and culture teaching & research. Innovation of the intercultural management paradigm.
Bildung in historischen europäischen Hauptstädten mit ältesten und renommiertesten Universitäten der Welt, PARIS I – PANTHÉON und PARIS IV – Sorbonne u. Cambridge; interkontinentale Erfahrung, interkulturelle Management u. Sprachen-Lehre u. Forschung
1. Diplom des Wirtschaftsübersetzers, Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris
2. Spanisch-Sprachzertifikat der Universidad Complutense de Madrid – UCM – und COU am I.E.S. Cardenal Cisneros, Madrid
3. Studium der englischen Sprache und Literatur an Londoner HS (West Lpndon College, University of Westminster)
4. Diplom der Angewandten Fremdsprachen der Universität Paris IV – Sorbonne
5. Absolvierung des Studienzentrums der Europäischen Gemeinschaften – Bereich Wirtschaft,
der Universität Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne
6. Diplom der Vertiefungsstudien der Internationalen Politik (politische Wissenschaft) der Universität Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne
7. Graduierung im Bereich Betriebswirtschaft u. Ausbildereignung der IHK Stuttgart/Ludwigsburg
8. Absolvierung des Intercultural Management Program der Universität Cambridge, UK (einschl. HS Zürich u. Rom)
Formé par des universités parmi les plus anciennes et prestigieuses du monde, à savoir la Sorbonne UNIV. PARIS I – PANTHÈON et UNIV. PARIS IV, ainsi que Cambridge/GB
Educado por universidades de las más ancianas y prestigiosas, Sorbonne y Cambridge
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