Georgian England, at the start of the Industrial Revolution, just four years after the Battle of Waterloo.
Two children, from poor families and in dire circumstances, each have good reason to run away and seek better life. Brought together by chance; staying together from loyalty and the need for human companionship.
Developing into loving young adults with strong sense of justice and humanity, the two are appalled by the plight of the common workers. It is August 1819, and they journey to Manchester to attend a meeting. There, at St Peters Field, the radical orator, Henry Hunt, is to address the crowd. A rude shock awaits them and not all return safely to their homes there is blood on the field.
A compelling love story set in the atmosphere of oppression, class division, hatred and violence that accompanied the Industrial Revolution in general, and the Peterloo Massacre in particular.
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Born in Bacup, Lancashire. George left school at fifteen to work in a shoe factory. After a short time, he left to become an Apprentice Telephone Engineer with the G.P.O. Telephones. After his two year apprenticeship he joined the army for his two years National Service in the Royal Signals. He returned back to the G.P.O. as a qualified Engineer. Leaving after eighteen years he eventually became a Domestic Appliance Engineer until a car accident curtailed his working life. Since 1947 he has been involved with the Brass Band movement playing various instruments with many bands including the Famous `Irwell Springs (Bacup) Band` and the world famous` Manchester (C.W.S.) Band. After fifty years service in the movement he received the coveted `Certificate of Honour`. A widower, his late wife Anne died after struggling many years with cancer. He now lives with his partner Jean in beautiful Prestatyn in N Wales. Between them they have four children, fourteen Grandchildren and seven Great Grandchildren. His joy of writing came after his accident when he studied creative writing at the Accrington & Rossendale College. His first book `Bold as Brass` still enjoys success as does his second `Blood on the Field` with a further two books in the pipeline.