Автор: Gerald Reiner

Gerald Reiner studied Business Administration in Vienna after an education in Industrial Engineering. In 2001 he received his Doctorate in Business Administration (Quality Management and Production Management) at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, where he later received his Habilitation (venia legendi). Between 1999 and 2006 he was Assistant Professor at the Department of Production Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. He served as visiting professor at Aston Business School (UK) in March 2006 and also at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) from March 2007 to June 2007. Since February 2007 Gerald Reiner has been a full professor at the Enterprise Institute at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. His research interests lie in the fields of supply chain management, quality management and operations management. He has published articles in International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Operations Management Research, and other leading journals, as well as books and numerous book chapters.

6 Електронні книги від Gerald Reiner

Gerald Reiner: Rapid Modelling for Increasing Competitiveness
A Perspective on Two Decades of Rapid Modeling It is an honor for me to be asked to write a foreword to the Proceedings of the 1st Rapid Modeling Conference. In 1987, when I coined the term “Rapid Mo …
Gerald Reiner: Rapid Modelling and Quick Response
Rapid Modelling and Quick Response presents new research developments in the fields of rapid modelling and quick response linked with performance improvements (based on lead time reduction, etc., as …
Herbert Kotzab & Stefan Seuring: Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management
For reseach in all subjects and among different philisopical paradigms, research methodologies form one of the key issues to rely on. This volume brings a series of papers together, which present dif …
Gerald Reiner & Christine Reiner: Unser Hof
Landluft schnuppern – Unterhaltsames und Wissenswertes für alle, die vom Landleben träumen – Mit vielen eindrucksvollen Bildern – Ehrlich und mit viel Humor erzählt Mit dem Kauf einer denkmalgeschütz …
Gerald Reiner: Krankes Schwein – kranker Bestand
Die wichtigsten Fakten rund um die Bestandsmedizin kompakt, übersichtlich und praxisnah Dieses Lehrbuch für Studierende der Veterinärmedizin führt die wichtigsten roten Fäden der Schweinemedizin zusa …