Addresses a variety of challenges and solutions within the transportation security sphere in order to protect our transportation systems
• Provides innovative solutions to improved communication and creating joint operations centers to manage response to threats
• Details technological measures to protect our transportation infrastructure, and explains their feasibility and economic costs
• Discusses changes in travel behavior as a response to terrorism and natural disaster
• Explains the role of transportation systems in supporting response operations in large disasters
• Written with a worldwide scope
Contributors List ix
Foreword xiii
Preface xv
1 Introduction 1
Gila Albert, Erwin A. Blackstone, Simon Hakim, and Yoram Shiftan
Section I Motivation and Challenges 23
2 Terrorist Targeting of Public Transportation: Ideology and Tactics 25
Shmuel Bar
3 On the Rationality and Optimality of Transportation Networks Defense: A Network Centrality Approach 35
Yaniv Altshuler, Rami Puzis, Yuval Elovici, Shlomo Bekhor, and Alex (Sandy) Pentland
4 Adaptive Resilience and Critical Infrastructure Security: Emergent Challenges for Transportation and Cyberphysical Infrastructure 65
Corri Zoli and Laura J. Steinberg
5 Travelers’ Perceptions of Security for Long‐Distance Travel: An Exploratory Italian Study 91
Eva Valeri, Amanda Stathopoulos, and Edoardo Marcucci
6 Securing Transportation Systems from Radiological Threats 109
Eric P. Rubenstein, Gordon A. Drukier, and Peter Zimmerman
7 Protecting Transportation Infrastructure against Radiological Threat 129
Ilan Yaar, Itzhak Halevy, Zvi Berenstein, and Avi Sharon
Section II Security Consideration for Modes of Transportation 149
8 Securing Public Transit Systems 151
Martin Wachs, Camille N.Y. Fink, Anastasia Loukaitou‐Sideris, and Brian D. Taylor
9 Railroad Infrastructure: Protecting an Increasingly Vulnerable Asset 177
Jeremy F. Plant and Richard R. Young
10 Freight Railroad Security: A Case Study of Post‐9/11 Effectiveness 189
Roland D. Pandolfi, Jr.
11 Cost‐Effective Airport Security Policy 205
Robert W. Poole, Jr.
12 Seaport Operations and Security 233
Willard Price and Ali Hashemi
13 Pathologies of Privatization in the Transportation Worker Identification Credential Program 257
Benjamin Inman and John C. Morris
14 Traveler’s Security Perceptions and Port Choices 271
Amalia Polydoropoulou and Athena Tsirimpa
15 Pipeline Security 281
Luca Talarico, Kenneth Sörensen, Genserik Reniers, and Johan Springael
Section III The Role of Transportation in Evacuation 313
16 Evacuation from Disaster Zones: Lessons from recent disasters in Australia and Japan 315
Daniel Baldwin Hess and Christina M. Farrell
17 Evacuation Planning and Preparedness in the Aftermath of Katrina, Rita, Irene, and Sandy: Lessons Learned 345
David S. Heller
18 Rural Evacuation and Public Transportation 363
Jaydeep Chaudhari, Zhirui Ye, and Dhrumil Patel
Index 377
Про автора
SIMON HAKIM is professor of economics and the director of the Center for Competitive Government at Temple University in Philadelphia. His special research and consulting areas are privatization of government services, security, and economics of crime. He earned an M.A in City & Regional Planning from the Technion in Haifa, Israel, MA and Ph.D in Regional Science from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
GILA ALBERT is Senior Researcher in Or Yarok Association for Safer Driving in Israel and a faculty at HIT-Holon Institute of Technology, Faculty of Management of Technology, Israel. She has a Ph.D. in Transportation Sciences from the Technion, Israel. Dr. Albert collaborates on projects funded by the European Commission, Transportation Research Institute at the Technion, National Road Safety Authority, and the Israeli Ministry of Transport.
YORAM SHIFTAN is Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Technion, Israel. He is the Editor of Transport Policy and the Chair of the International Association of Travel Behavior Research (IATBR). Prof. Shiftan received his Ph.D. from MIT and since then has published dozens of papers and coedited the books Transportation Planning in the series of Classics in Planning and Transition towards Sustainable Mobility: The Role of Instruments, Individuals and Institutions.