Reference Electrodes are a crucial part of any electrochemical system, yet an up-to-date and comprehensive handbook is long overdue. Here, an experienced team of electrochemists provides an in-depth source of information and data for the proper choice and construction of reference electrodes. This includes all kinds of applications such as aqueous and non-aqueous solutions, ionic liquids, glass melts, solid electrolyte systems, and membrane electrodes. Advanced technologies such as miniaturized, conducting-polymer-based, screen-printed or disposable reference electrodes are also covered. Essential know-how is clearly presented and illustrated with almost 200 figures.
Electrode potentials.- Reference redox systems in non-aqueous systems and the relation of electrode potentials in non-aqueous and mixed solvents to standard potentials in water.- Liquid junction potentials.- Salt bridges and diaphragms.- Reference electrodes for aqueous solutions.- Reference Electrodes for Use in Nonaqueous Solutions.- Reference electrodes for ionic liquids and molten salts.- Reference Electrodes in Oxidic Glass Melts.- Reference electrodes for solid electrolyte devices.- Direct solid contact in reference electrodes.- Micro reference electrodes.- Conducting polymer based reference electrodes.- Screen-printed, disposable, reference electrodes.- Pseudo-reference electrodes.- The Kelvin Probe technique as reference electrode for application on thin and ultra-thin electrolyte films.