Автор: H. David Hennessey

Dr. H. David Hennessey is currently an Associate Professor of Marketing and International Business at Babson College, Wellesley, MA. USA. He is an Associate of Ashridge, UK, and has taught at IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland .Prior to this he was the Director of Marketing at Interpace Corporation and worked as the Market Analyst at American Can Company. He previously consulted for AT&T, ICI, Jardine Matheson, Compaq, Philips, DSM, and Ansell Edmont. His previous publications include: Global Marketing: Strategy and Cases, 5th Edition (2001), and How to Write a Marketing Plan, 3rd Edition (1998). Dr. Jeane-Pierre Jeannet is currently the F.W. Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business and Director of the William F. Glavin Center for Global Management at Babson College, Wellesley, MA, USA. He also has a dual appointment as Professor of Global Marketing and Strategy also at IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland. He previously worked in banking in Switzerland and New York and has been an active consultant with many international firms such as AVEBE, Coutts, Deloitte Touch Tohmatsu, DSM, Huntsman Chemicals, ICI, Lego, Nokia, Polaroid, Serono, Siemens, Swatch and Zeneca. His previous work includes Managing with a Global Mindset and co-authored titles including: Marketing Problems, Cases in International Marketing, Global Marketing: Strategies and Cases, and Cases in Marketing Management.

1 Електронні книги від H. David Hennessey

H. David Hennessey & Jean-Pierre Jeannet: Global Account Management
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