This book addresses a diverse set of challenges facing Latin American economies. These range from the role of neo-liberal policies, deficit targeting, import substitution, role of institutions, trade and regional development and human capital and poverty.
Introduction; H.Esfahani, G.Facchini, L.Neal & G.Hewings PART I: THE ROLE OF INSTITUTIONS International Cooperation and Global Justice; P.Streeten Latin America, UNCTAD, and the Postwar Trading System; J.Love Import Substitution Industrialization in Latin America: Experience and Lessons for the Future; C.Braga With or without the IMF? Economic Recovery after Devaluation in Argentina and Brazil; A.Gallo The Decision to Become Informal Self-Employed in Latin America; P.Gonzalez, W.Cunningham & W.Maloney Institutions and Economic Growth in the Atlantic Periphery: The Efficiency of the Portuguese Machinery of Justice, 1870-1910 51; J.Reis An Evaluation of the Contractionary Devaluation Hypothesis; R.Bebczuk , A.Galindo & U.Panizza PART II: INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND EOCNOMIC DEVELOPMENT Interpreting Brazilian Income Distribution Trends; D.Coes The Evolution of Agriculture and Land Reform in Brazil, 1960 2006; C.Mueller & B.Mueller Human Capital and Income Concentration in Brazil; M.Bugarin PART III: REGIONAL ASPECTS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Structural Analysis of Employment in the Brazilian Economy: 1996 and 2002 Compared; J.Guilhoto, S.Ichihara & M.Amorim Trade Liberalization, Space and Regional Development; E.Haddad Regional and Demographic Determinants of Poverty in Brazil; A.Souza, C.Azzoni & V.Nogueira PART IV: NEW CHALLENGES The Political Economy of the New Left in Latin America: Does the Bell Toll for Neo-Liberalism?; E.Amman Deficit Targeting: an Incentive Mechanism for Subnational Fiscal Deficit Reduction in Brazil; M.S.Bugarin, M.N.S.Bugarin & H.Pires Is there any Difference in Well-being between American and Brazilian College Students; T.Cavalcanti, J.F.Guimarães & J.R.Nogueira PART V: A RETROSPECTIVE ON WERNER BAER Economics the Werner Baer Way; L.Samuelson Making a Great Difference: the Influence of Professor Werner Baer on the Economic Literature in Brazil, and on Brazil; C.R.Azzoni
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Hadi Salehi Esfahani is Professor of Economics and Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He holds a BSc in engineering from the University of Tehran, Iran, and a Ph D in economics from the University of California at Berkeley, USA. His research focuses on the role of politics and governance in economic policy formation, especially in fiscal, labor, and trade areas. His main area of specialization is the political economy of development in the Middle East and North Africa region.