This collection examines the intersections and dynamics of bordering processes and citizenship politics in the Global North and Australia. By taking the political agency of migrants into account, it approaches the subject of borders as a genuine political and socially constructed phenomenon and transcends a state-centered perspective.
New Border and Citizenship Politics: An Introduction; Helen Schwenken and Sabine Russ-Sattar PART I 1. Part I Introduction: The Politics of Redefining Borders; Helen Schwenken and Sabine Russ-Sattar 2. Constructing Voluntarism: Technologies of ‘Intent Management’ in Australian Border Controls; Leanne Weber and Sharon Pickering 3. Malta and the Rescue of Unwanted Migrants at Sea: Negotiating the Humanitarian Law of the Sea and the Contested Redesigning of Borders; Silja Klepp 4. Negotiating Mobility, Debating Borders: Migration Diplomacy in Turkey-EU Relations; Ahmet ?cduygu and Ay?en Ustubici PART II 5. Part II Introduction: The Technologies of Bordering; Helen Schwenken and Sabine Russ-Sattar 6. The Momentum of Contestation: Airports as Borderlands on the Inside; Detlef Sack 7. The Interiorisation and Localisation of Border Control: A US Case; Robyn Magalit Rodriguez 8. Outsiders/Insiders: How Local Immigrant Organisations Contest the Exclusion of Undocumented Immigrants in the US; Mara Sidney 9. Conditionalities as Internal Borders: The Case of ‘Security of Residence’ for Third-Country Nationals in Austria; ?lker Atac PART III 10. Part III Introduction: Politics of Citizenship as Border Politics; Sabine Russ-Sattar and Helen Schwenken 11. Border Control Politics as Technologies of Citizenship in Europe and North America; Kim Rygiel 12. Troubling Borders: Sans-Papiers and France; Catherine Raissiguier 13. From Sangatte to ‘the Jungle’: Europe’s Contested Borderlands; Helen Schwenken 14. Labour Migration, Postcolonial Nationalism and Class Politics Beyond Borders: The Case of the Turkish Party MHP in Germany; Jorg Nowak 15. Emigration Policies and Citizenship Rhetoric: Morocco and its Emigrants in Europe; Esther Mikuszies
Про автора
Ilker Ataç, University of Vienna, Austria Ahmet ?çduygu, Koç University, Turkey Esther Mikuszies, University of Kassel, Germany Jörg Nowak, University of Kassel, Germany Sharon Pickering, Monash University, Australia Robyn Magalit Rodriguez, University of California, USA Kim Rygiel, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada Detlef Sack, University of Bielefeld, Germany Mara S. Sidney, Rutgers University, USA Ay?en Üstübici, Koç University, Turkey Leanne Weber, Monash University, Australia Silja Klepp, University of Bremen, Germany Catherine Raissiguier, CUNY (City University of New York), USA