This is a collection of metaphorical short stories created from bits of my life.
When you have a negative experience, do you replay it over and over, allowing it to build upon itself, thereby magnifying those negative feelings?
On the other hand, when you have a positive experience, do you replay that over and over, allowing it to build upon itself more and more feelings of joy? Do you find yourself attributing more aspects of good to the experience because of the uplifting feelings it brought to you? Couples who are in love often do this.
In either case, the event is technically over with. Have you let those experiences go, or are you still living within them as if they were happening now? If the experience was negative, did you resolve it, or did you just bury it within the deep recesses of your mind, where it may be awakened from time to time in reaction to lifes continuing experiences? If it was positive, do you keep replaying it over and over as if there will be no more, thereby preventing yourself from creating and enjoying even better ones?
Since the experiences, however you would describe them, have already happened, you can now rewrite the memory, or story, of any of them in a way that allows you to let them go using the information and understanding you have assimilated since then. If negative, you can take the bitter foods of those experiences, the spinach, turnips, and liver, then add spices and sauces of understanding, forgiveness, and love and let them pass out of your consciousness leaving you free to create a buffet of even more tasteful and delicious life experiences!
The metaphorical foods that came my way may not have been ones I would have consciously chosen, yet I have now made them palatable adding value to my life and allowing me to let them go and move on. So can you.
This is a portion of my buffet of stories. What are yours?
Про автора
The author began her life in a small New England town with her mother, stepfather, and siblings. Desiring to get away from small-town monotony, the path of her work history took many twists and turns from different statewide locations to various employment positions, such as legal secretary, early childhood teacher, customer service, and administrative positions in various fields. She obtained an associate’s degree in computer science just ahead of the economic downturn. Those experiences culminated in entering the field of hypnotherapy, where she gained insight and a deeper understanding of life, her own and other’s. She is now a practicing hypnotherapist and lives with her family in the southern part of the United States.