This book covers the applications of Monte Carlo (MC) calculations in therapeutic nuclear medicine from basic principles, to computer implementations of software packages and their applications in radiation dosimetry and treatment planning in targeted radionuclide therapy. The different chapters describe the fundamental concepts of nuclear and hybrid imaging instrumentation and quantitative imaging, internal radiation dosimetry and radiobiology aspects of targeted radionuclide therapy, then discuss the various components and steps required for implementing a dose calculation and treatment planning methodology in targeted radionuclide therapy. Some computer programs are described and illustrated with some useful features and clinical applications. The book is suitable for Scientists working in academic or industrial environments focusing on translational research and therapeutic nuclear medicine and radiology.
Key Features:
- Well-known scientists and pioneers in the field will contribute and share recent findings in their specific research areas (different chapters of this book).
- Unique reference in the field (no other book covering material presented in this book).
- Each chapter is followed by detailed list of references and suggested readings related the specific subject.
- Popular computer programs (e.g. OLINDA) are explained in detail and some examples of radiation dose calculations given. Other in-house developed software packages are also described.
Chapter 1 Monte Carlo techniques in nuclear medicine dosimetry
Chapter 2 Advances in multimodality molecular imaging
Chapter 3 Basic concepts of internal radiation dosimetry
Chapter 4 Radionuclide photon dose kernels for internal dosimetry
Chapter 5 Computational models of the human anatomy
Chapter 6 Radiobiology aspects and radionuclide selection criteria in cancer therapy
Chapter 7 Microdosimetry of targeted radionuclides
Chapter 8 Monte Carlo codes for use in therapeutic nuclear medicine
Chapter 9 The OLINDA software package
Chapter 10 The 3D-RD software for internal radionuclide dosimetry
Chapter 11 The RAPID software for internal radionuclide dosimetry
Chapter 12 The VRAK software for internal radionuclide dosimetry
Chapter 13 The RAYDOSE software for image-based dosimetry in molecular radiotherapy
Chapter 14 The VIDA software for internal radionuclide dosimetry
Chapter 15 Novel approaches for voxel-based dosimetry
Chapter 16 The Monte Carlo method as a design tool in selective internal radiation therapy
Chapter 17 The Monte Carlo method as a design tool in boron neutron capture therapy
Chapter 18 Monte Carlo-based dosimetry for Auger electron emitting theranostic radionuclides
Chapter 19 Monte Carlo methods and mathematical methods for the dosimetry of the skeleton and bone marrow
Chapter 20 Validation and verification of image-based absorbed dose calculations in radionuclide therapy
Chapter 21 Summary
Про автора
Professor Habib Zaidi ( is Chief physicist and head of the PET Instrumentation & Neuroimaging Laboratory at Geneva University Hospital and faculty member at the medical school of Geneva University. He is also a Professor of Medical Physics at the University of Groningen (Netherlands), Adjunct Professor of Medical Physics and Molecular Imaging at the University of Southern Denmark, Adjunct Professor of Medical Physics at Shahid Beheshti University and visiting Professor at Tehran University of Medical Sciences. He is actively involved in developing imaging solutions for cutting-edge interdisciplinary biomedical research and clinical diagnosis in addition to lecturing undergraduate and postgraduate courses on medical physics and medical imaging. Prof. Zaidi’s academic accomplishments in the area of quantitative PET imaging have been well recognized by his peers and by the medical imaging community at large since he is a recipient of many awards and distinctions. Prof. Zaidi has been an invited speaker of over 160 keynote lectures and talks at an International level, has authored over 750 publications, including 350 peer-reviewed journal articles in prominent journals (ISI-h index=52/67 Web of Science™/Google scholar, >16 600+ citations as of March 2022), 340 conference proceedings and 41 book chapters and is the editor of four textbooks on Therapeutic Applications of Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine, Quantitative Analysis in Nuclear Medicine Imaging, Molecular Imaging of Small Animals and Computational anatomical animal models.