Dr. Hans-Georg Ziebertz is professor for Practical Theology / Religious Education at the University of Würzburg, Germany. He is the coordinator of the international research program Religion and Human Rights. Dr. Gordan Crpic is professor for Sociology and Vice-Rector of the Catholic University in Zagreb, Croatia, and he is member of the international research program Religion and Human Rights.
11 Електронні книги від Hans-Georg Ziebertz
Hans-Georg Ziebertz & Gordan Črpić: Religion and Human Rights
This book examines the relationship between human rights and religiosity. It discusses whether the impact of religiosity on human rights is liberational or suppressive, and sheds light on the directi …
Anders Sjöborg & Hans-Georg Ziebertz: Religion, Education and Human Rights
This book examines the interconnectedness between religion, education, and human rights from an international perspective using an interdisciplinary approach. It deals with compulsory or secondary sc …
Hans-Georg Ziebertz & Carl Sterkens: Religion and Civil Human Rights in Empirical Perspective
This volume offers an empirical perspective on the so-called first generation of human rights. It explores the legitimization of these human rights by individual people, both because of their religio …
Carl Sterkens & Hans-Georg Ziebertz: Political and Judicial Rights through the Prism of Religious Belief
This innovative volume is focused on the relationship between religion on the one hand and political and judicial rights on the other. At a time when the so-called ‘checks and balances’ that guarante …
Hans-Georg Ziebertz & Francesco Zaccaria: Euthanasia, Abortion, Death Penalty and Religion – The Right to Life and its Limitations
This book considers how the termination of life might be accepted in the view of a general obligation to protect life. It features more than 10 papers written by scholars from 14 countries that offer …
Detlef Pollack & Ingrid Tucci: Religiöser Pluralismus im Fokus quantitativer Religionsforschung
Die religiöse Vielfalt hat in Europa in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. Dazu haben nicht nur Prozesse der Pluralisierung innerhalb des Christentums sowie das zunehmende Interesse an Formen alter …
Georg Hilger & Stephan Leimgruber: Religionsdidaktik
Das Standardwerk – in überarbeiteter Neuausgabe Umfassend, kompakt und jetzt in vollständig überarbeiteter Neuausgabe – das Standardwerk für angehende Religionslehrerinnen und -lehrer katholischer wi …
Martin Rothgangel & Martin Jäggle: Religious Education at Schools in Europe
The project ‘Religious Education at Schools in Europe’ (REL-EDU), which is divided up into six volumes (Central Europe, Western Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, Eastern …
Hans-Georg Ziebertz: International Empirical Studies on Religion and Socioeconomic Human Rights
Socioeconomic rights include rights with regard to social security, labour and employment, as well as cultural rights which may be regarded as a shield for the protection of human dignity, especially …
Hans-Georg Ziebertz & Francesco Zaccaria: The Ambivalent Impact of Religion on Human Rights
This volume presents the most recent joint study of the research group Religion and Human Rights. This text is comprised of studies carried out in twelve countries and divided into three parts a …
Francis-Vincent Anthony & Hans-Georg Ziebertz: Human Rights and the Separation of State and Religion
This text highlights key aspects of the religion/church-state relationship/debate, and related hitherto marginal topics. The contributions make clear that there is no clear blueprint for an optimal r …